A Bump In the Road

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The essential nectar to start any day.

Goes great with a day off and starting the morning slow with a naked woman in his bed.

At least, Frank thinks so as he carries two mugs up to his room. Abby is still flat out on her pillow, and he can't help but smile. She's beautiful and his. But the next big step was still to come. He places a mug on her side before doing the same on his and climbing back in. He pulled out his phone and dialed his lawyer.

"Good Morning, Barber and Associates, how may I direct your call?"

"Andy Barber please."

"May I ask who is calling?"

"Frank Adler."

"Just a moment." The line moved to hold music as Frank ran his fingers through Abby's hair. He heard a click before he heard, "Morning Frank. Kinda early for you."

Frank chuckled. "Kinda but not for you. How are you, Andy?"

"I'm good Frank, just getting my day started."

"Same. But I did call with a purpose."

"And what is that?"

"I want to know what the adoption process would be. To adopt Mary."

The line was silent for a beat. "Just you or..."

"No, Abby and I want to formally adopt Mary, but I wanted to know the steps, know any obstacles that we may have."

"No problem." Frank could hear Andy scratching on something. "Let me look into the original custody agreement and see if we file this in Massachusetts or in California." He stopped. "I'm happy for you, Frank."

"Thanks Andy. We're gonna tell Mary today."

"Shouldn't be a problem but I'll get back two you soon. Give my love to Abby."

"Will do. Thanks Andy." He hung up the phone and looked down to see his bride looking up at him. "Morning Cricket."

"Morning love. How's Andy?"

"Good. Sends his love." Frank sipped his coffee. "Asked him to investigate the adoption process. He's gonna look at the custody agreement and let us know the easiest way and if we have any obstacles. Might take a couple of days."

Abby sat up. "Really?"

"I told you; I want this and I'm gonna make it happen."

Abby giggled as she threw herself into Frank's arms. He adjusted her onto his lap so she could straddle him. She took his face in her hands. "We'll be a proper family?"

"We already are the day you took me back Cricket. I don't need paperwork for that, but I want the world to know that Mary is ours."

She leaned in and kissed him hard. "I think today is a pancake day."

Sliding into Home (A Frank Adler AU x MLB)Where stories live. Discover now