Chapter 1 The Dreams

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I was dreaming about her again. The beautiful 17 year old brunette. Her name was Verronica. I had been dreaming about her for weeks now. This time she was crying. All I wanted to do was comfort her, ask her what was wrong. But I was woken up to my brother, Duncan, shaking me awake.

"Jamie, ye better get tha' butt o' yers outa bed. Father's no' doin' so well," Duncan said in his strong Skottish accent. Our father, our only parent left, had gotten sick and it was only getting worse.

"Duncan, after we see father I got ta tell ye somethin'," I said, getting out of my bed. I wanted to tell him about my dreams. I was positive it was a calling. Here in Doon, a calling is everything. It means that you've met or are going to meet you soul mate. And for me, it was Verronica. I literally couldn't wait until the centennial. That would mean I could meet my beautiful brunette.

I shook off my thoughts and hurried after Duncan down the long castle halls toward our father's room. When we entered he looked really week but also somewhat healthy. We all talked a lot until our father told Duncan to excuse us. Once my massive brother walked out of the room my dad said, "Son, what is goin' on in tha' mind o' yours?"

This is it. I had to tell him about my calling. "I, uh... Have been havin' Calling dreams lately."

"Aye, tha's what I thought. And what about Sofia?"

Those words hit me hard. Sofia Rosseti was a small Italian girl that was the daughter of the owner of the pizzeria in town. She was pretty but nothing compared to Verronica. Before I got my Calling I had eyes for Sofia. But now all I wanted was Verronica. My mother, before she died, really liked Sofia. My father likes her too. Infact, the whole kingdom loves her. But I was neutral. I wanted so desperately to travel over the bridge to find Vee but without the rings I couldn't cross the bridge or Doon would be destroyed along with everything and everybody in it.

"I'm honestly no' so sure father. I really like Sofia but I like Verronica more."

"Verronica... Tha's the name o' the lass you've been dreamin' about?"


He was about to say something else when Duncan came in and said that we needed to train for the tornament this week. I obliged and left my father with a goodbye and followed Duncan to our secret training area in the back of the castel.

I tried to focus but Verronica was all that was on my mind.

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