Chapter 2

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Today was the day of the tournament. I was battling Duncan. As much as I didn't want to hurt him, I knew this was going to be fun.

I waited for the announcer to finish and give the cue that I could come out of the dark room out of sight of the people in the bleachers. I listened carefully as the announcer spoke.

"Good ladies and gentlemen, lads and lassies, this be the contest ye've been awaiting!" A loud cheer rang out from the crowd. He continued. "Knight against Knight. Champion versus champion. Brother against brother! Never in the esteemed history o' Doon has there been a more anticipated event! Without further ado, may I present the brothers MacCrae!"

That was my cue. Duncan and I rode up to each other on our horses in the area we were going to fight in. We dismounted our horses and stepped into the open ring. I stared into the eyes of my large little brother. The anouncer said,

"I'll be hanvin' a clean fight. Ye both know the rules." He took a few steps back, bowed, and said a 'good luck'. "Prince Jamie, Prince Duncan."

I grinned with confidence as I, too, bowed to my brother and he did the same. I stood strong and straight in my fighting stance and the fight was on!

-after the fight-

I had won after a good twenty minutes of trying to get Duncan with my sword. I think that was the first time in a while that I actually momentarily forgot about Veronica.

The past few days were a blur considering my dreams with her. They started getting dark. It got to the mement where I couldn't even touch her because she was covered in darkness. That made me consider if it was a real Calling or not. They could be worrning dreams. I decided that when and if she comes across bridge on the centenial, that I would be cautios around her.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Duncan told me we had to head back to the castle.

-at the castle-

I was sitting on my father's throne, soon to be mine, awaiting to speak to some prisoners who Gideon, the captain of the guards, claims to be in league with the witch of Doon.

I watched as Fergus' masive figure bring two girls through the doors of the throne room. I got a glance at the two girl prisoners and I almosst couldn't believe my eyes. "It couldn't be her... Could it?" I thought. I could've sworn that was Veronica's beautiful dark brown hair. I still wasn't sure if it was her and even if it was, I couldn't aford to let my guard down. I took a quick glance at Duncan and I could see that his face had lit up when he saw the red-headed girl.
"Where are the lasses?" I aske. Fergus and Gideon stepped aside, reveling my every dream and nightmare right before my eyes. It was Veronica. I didn't want to let my guard down just in case she was dangerous. I slowly stood to my feet.

Our eyes locked.

I wanted her so much... But I knew there was something about her that could be dangerous. And with my father being so week, I had to care for my kingdom

She stepped foward and reached her hand toward me. I stiffened my body and scowled at her hand. I turned my back to the four people and sat back down on my throne.

"Gideon, approach," I said, trying to sound like I wasn't efected that the girl from my dreams wasn't right there.

"My laird." Gideon took a step forward and took a deep bow. "These girls utilized the witch's magic to infiltrate our borders. For the safety o' the kingdom, the must be imprisoned."

The red-headed girl with Veronica stepped forward, palms held out in front of her. "Woah,there. I'm not going back to the hellhole. You can't hold us without evidence. We have rights!" she said.

Gideon turned to face her, hand on the hilt of his sword. "Not in Doon ye don't, witch. Now hold yer tongue."

The girl put her hands on her hips and took another step toward the guard, raising herself up to her full height. "Make me, you bald rent-a-cop!"

Veronica walkeed up to her side and whispered something in her ear. The only word I could make out is 'Kenna'. Veronica pushed he friend behind her.

"Enough!" I yelled, having had enough of all this. "Gideon, stand down."

Gideo took several steps back, still glaring at Veronica and her friend, Kenna.

Veronica turned to face me and said, "Ja - ah... Laird, please excuse my friends behavior. She's tired and hungry and greatly distressed from being taken at knifepoint to a dungeon and--"

My heart sped up when she almost said my name... But I still had to be cautious. I cut her off by simply saying, "Be silent." Veronica looked hurt but I tried to make it look like it didn't effect me. "What say you to the charge of conspiring with the witch to breech the boundaries of Doon?"

Veronica then looked iterated. Clenching her hand to fists, she took a step forward. Her eyes never left me as she said, "Since you're obviously the only one whose opinion matters why do you believe we're here, Your Highness?"

My eyes narrowed and my grip on my throne tightened. She was being stubborn. "Are you challenging my authority?"

"I wouldn't dream of it."

At that, I blinked and relaxed. This was the stubborn yet lovable Veronica from my dreams. I forgot about all my duties as the soon king-to-be. No! You need to get a grip! Your kingdom is more important than her. I addressed Gideon and said, "Take 'em back to the dungeon."

Doon (Jamie's POV)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz