Chapter Three

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Willis realized he'd fallen asleep when the buzzing of Kodee's phone awoke him. He jolted upright from his crumpled position in the chair and scrambled to answer the call. His voice cracked as he brought the phone to his ear and spoke into it.

"Is this Willis?" Mrs. Knox sobbed from the other end.

"Yeah, this is him."

"Willis, I'm so, so sorry, but we can't make it."

Willis' heart sank.

"There's a blizzard and the conditions are terrible, so no flights are going out and all the roads are closed," Mrs. Knox cried. "Please, I have to know if my baby girl is okay. I need to speak to someone."

"Right," Willis said quickly and sprang up from his seat. "Don't worry, ma'am, I'll find you a nurse."


The nurse, which Willis had asked to see, bid Mrs. Knox farewell and ended the call between them. She handed Kodee's phone back to Willis and sighed.

"You know, son," said the nurse. She was the same old-looking one who'd told him not to pace the floor earlier. "I know I'm not supposed to do this, but I'm going to make an exception for you and this family, because when that poor little girl wakes up, she's going to need someone."

Willis stayed quiet, watching and listening carefully.

"I think you may just be the only someone who can be with her," said the nurse. "So for now, you'll be known as her fiancé, got it?"

Willis hesitated. What if Kodee had a fiancé already? What would he think?

"Son, did you hear me?"

"Yes, got it," Willis said. Kodee needed someone, he reminded himself.


As Willis waited impatiently to be let into Kodee's room, he fiddled with her phone again, scrolling through the options for the emergency call. He didn't quite know why, but it was something to do.

Then he came across the name "Dakoda" adorned with the two hearts. Ah, yes, Kodee's probably boyfriend. If Willis posed as Kodee's fiancé, Dakoda might have a problem with this.

Willis called the number, and Dakoda picked up almost immediately.

"Hey, Kodes, what's up?"

"Hello, is this Kodee's boyfriend?" Willis asked stupidly, failing to both introduce himself and register that the voice belonged to a young woman.

On the other end of the line, the girl snorted. "No, this is her roommate and prized best friend, Dakoda. Who's this?"

Willis was glad that Dakoda couldn't see him, for his face and ears burned with red embarrassment. But somehow, a sort of relief that he wasn't familiar with lifted him up at the same time. "My name is Willis, and I have Kodee's phone because... well," breaking the news wasn't becoming easier with practice. "Kodee's been in an accident, and I'm at the hospital now."

No response.

"I've been calling to see if anyone she knew could come and be with her, but Kodee's family is stuck in a blizzard and can't make it over," Willis said.

Dakoda studdered. "N-no," she said very quietly. "I'm traveling right now, working on a project of sorts. I'm sorry. Does she have anyone? Is she okay?"

"Yes to both," Willis lied before he could think. "Her fiancé is here." Then he mentally kicked himself for being so stupid.

"Kodee's not engaged," Dakoda said. "What are you talking about?"

"Okay, fine," Willis lowered his voice. "He's actually the guy who witnessed Kodee's accident, but he's posing as her financé because only family is allowed to see her."

"Ah," said Dakoda said, sounding not quite convinced. "What exactly happened?"

Willis told Dakoda everything, and though she was much better at hiding it than Mrs. Knox was, Willis could tell Dakoda was crying. He apologized before hanging up, then decided to make sure Mrs. Knox knew that someone would be there for her daughter and that he'd keep her updated on Kodee's condition.

As soon as Willis finished, the old, tired nurse appeared in the waiting room as though she'd been cued to do so. The nurse told Willis that Kodee was stable and ready for company.

She led Willis through the hallways and down to Kodee's room, letting him inside. Willis looked around, but there was hardly anything interesting: white walls with no pictures, a few sad, little chairs, the regular equipment, and a hospital bed with–

Willis froze. Kodee, lying there, looked so still and pale he could've thought she was dead. And she was so bundled in bandages that at first glance, he might not have recognized her. Willis' eyes started at her head, which had been stitched shut, down to her bandaged arms, then to her leg and–

"Did she–" Willis gasped, his throat closing.

"Yes," said the nurse, her voice dripping with sorrow. "But we have a specialist who will be helping with this situation as soon as Miss Knox is ready."

Willis allowed himself to collapse in a nearby chair as the nurse left him and Kodee.

Poor, poor Kodee.

Willis pulled out her phone and accessed her mother's number through the emergency call button. Mrs. Knox would be devastated, but she would want to know. 

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