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Mapleshade blinked. she looked around her and yawned. How could she be alive? Hadn't she just drowned? She stood up, her paws shaking as her weight shifted around. How long had she been sleeping? Were was Heronclaws? Then she remembered. He had given her up after her kits, Nightkit, Dawnkit, and Tawnkit had drowned as she made her way across Thunderclan territory to her mate's clan, Riverclan. A growl sounded in front of her. She looked up to see a jet black muscular tom with green eyes and a ripped ear standing over her.

"What are you doing here?" He growled again, this time with more threat in his voice.

"I have no idea." She whispered, looking into his glare.

"Are you challenging me?" He snarled, teeth bared, with the fur on the back of his neck rising.

"No." She sniffed. She lifted her tail and started to stalk away, but the tom jumped into her path, eyes blazing.

"Where do you think your going?" he hissed, his back arching and bristled.

"You stupid Starclan cat!!" Mapleshade narrowed her eyes. Starclan cat? STARCLAN CAT? HER?? NEVER!! She roared and jumped on his back, claws fiercely digging into him.

"I'll SHOW YOU!!" She growled deeply, back claws sinking into his haunches. The tom yowled in pain and anger, trying to shake her off. She just sunk her claws deeper into his fur.

"Alright! ALRIGHT!" he shrieked, and Mapleshade let him go. 

"OK.. I doubted you.." He panted, blood dripping off  his pelt.

"I'm Shadestream. Whats your name?" She licked a paw and drew it over her ear.

"Mapleshade." purring he licked his wounds.

"This is the Dark Forest. All evil cats go here when they die. Are you dead?" he asked, tilting his head to one side.

"I-I think so." Mapleshade meowed carefully. 

"How did you get here?" Shadestream inched closer to her. She sat stiffly next to him, her green eyes still narrowed. 

"I drowned. My friend, Harefur,  pushed me into the water. Harefur had loved Heronclaws, my mate,  and was punishing me for drowning our kits. He was Riverclan, and I was Thunderclan. Redstar sent me out of Thunderclan and Lakestar out of Riverclan. All I tried to do was love!! But I will show them. Ooh, wait till I get my claws on HER kits!! She'l regret even TOUCHING me in the first place!!" She snarled.

"So.. you've had a hard life? Me too. I was a Shadowclan deputy. But one night, my sister, Moonfur, was killed by a Windclan apprentice, Spiderpaw. So I killed him. Once I tasted his blood, I yearned for more. so I was killed by my clan leader, Sweepstar. you probably know him. And ended up here." He looked around. 

"Its my home now. and yours." he purred. Mapleshade yawned and lay down. her eyelids closed, and she fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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