You deserve someone better than her

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This is @Fuzzy_Bear574 's request. Thank you to all people that supported this book! Ya'll are my inspiration on making this. 

The prompt: Darryl (Badboyhalo) hears from his co-workers (Zelk and Fin) on lunchbreak that Zak (Skeppy) found out his Fiancée was cheating on him with a girl and only trying to become his wife to just divorce him the next day. Darryl then decided to cheer him up. [That's all cause I might spoil everything that will happen in this chapter] 

Credits to the person that made the art above ⬆⬆ (@my5tics on twitter) 



Third Person POV:

Zak has noticed that his fiancée was acting weird and suspicious (amongus /j). He plans to look through her phone when he will get a chance. 

Around night time, his fiancée went downstairs to the kitchen to get a cup of water, thinking that Zak was asleep. Zak took this opportunity to look through his fiancée's phone and found out that she had been dating a girl. He felt heartbroken and furious. 

Zak went downstairs and confronted her about cheating on him. He told his fiancée that he is breaking up with her and she is kicked out from the house. Then his fiancée told him that she doesn't love him anyway and was just trying to be his wife so she could divorce him the next day.

His fiancée left immediately with all her stuff and Zak was left at home depressed. Zak went back up to his room and cry himself to sleep. 


- The Next Day - 

Zak woke up to his phone ringing. He checks who called him and it is Zelk. He decides to pick up the call.

"Hello Zak! where are you?! I have been calling you because our shift starts soon and I am worried!" Zelk said.

"Uhm hey Zelk, I think I won't be able to go to work today because I'm feeling sick." *fake cough*

"Ohh okay Zak, I will tell the manager about it. Also, get well soon dude! Bye!"

"Thanks, and bye." 


"Soo Zelk, what did he say?" Finn asked.

"He said that he is sick and he won't be able to work. But I think he is just lying though since his cough sounds fake."

"And he also sounds depressed." He added.

"Ohh okay. Something might have happened and that's why he did not come here. I will call him later at lunchbreak." 


Zelk and Finn walked in to the store and was greeted by their manager, Darryl.

"Hey guys, good morning!" Darryl greets.

"Hello sir, good morning!" The two greeting back. 

"I see it's only you two, where is Zak?" Darryl asks.

"Uh sir, he told me that he won't be able to go to work today because he is sick." Zelk said.

"Ohh okay, I hope he gets well soon" 


- Time Skip to lunch break - 

Third Person POV:

"Hey Finn it's time to call Zak." Zelk said.

"Yeah you're right." Finn said agreeing to him. 

Finn called Zak and ask him if there was something wrong, and it was revealed to them that Zak found out that his fiancée cheated on him. The two assured him that everything is going to be all right and he will be able to find someone better for him. 

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