Rucho Got Roasted

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Surprise, surprise, another one-shot posted in just a single day. :D

Please read the previous one-shot. I'll be sad if you skipped it.

Art above is from Pinterest. Credits to the owner.

Just some random scene that happened in their highschool lives. (Mafia AU)

Rucho - Cucurucho


Third Person POV:

Darryl walked into the school hallways. He just arrived at school and he was going to the lockers. He spotted Zak by his own locker and he thought of an idea. Darryl walked quietly behind him and gave him a hug.

"Darryl! You scared me!" Zak slightly shouted.

"Oh, I'm sorry Zak. I just wanted to surprise you." Darryl responded.

"It's okay Darryl. You just caught me off guard." Zak laughed a bit.

Darryl stopped hugging him and Zak turned around to look at him. The two had a lovely conversation when suddenly Darryl's cousin, Cara or let's just say "the third wheel" arrived.

"Hey lovebirds, how are you guys doing?" Cara said.

"Do not call us that!" Darryl and Zak said at the same time.

Cara laughed a bit and said, "You two should see the look on your faces. But sureeee, I'll take that "response" both of you gave."

"Whatever, moving on, I'm honestly feeling a bit tired from studying last night for our chemistry test later." Darryl said, answering Cara's question.

"Same, I stayed up late to study for the test." Zak said.

"Relatable. I just hope that we get good scores." Cara said, agreeing at the two.

"I'm sure we will. We worked hard for it. No matter what score we get, the important thing is that we did our best." Darryl responded.

"Agreed." Both Zak and Cara said.

"Well, well, well, it wasn't for Darryl Noveshcosh." They suddenly heard. The three turned around and saw none other than Darryl's rival, Rucho.

Darryl and Rucho are rivals. Rucho despises Darryl because he is always the top in their class. He tries his best to take the top spot but he always fails. The other reason is that he started to have feelings for Zak and he gets jealous of Darryl and Zak's closeness.

The three decided to not mind his existence and just looked the other way and started walking down the hallway to the classrooms.

"Come back where Darryl, we haven't talked. Where are you going?" Rucho shouted rudely.

"Obviously away from you, dumbass." Zak shouted back. Cara bursted out laughing while Darryl laughed a bit silently while placing his arm around Zak. Rucho remained silent and just stood there looking at where Darryl's arm was.


Words: 476

Rucho be really jealous.

Me while writing this: "Kapag inggit, pikit."

Translation: "If you're jealous, just close your eyes."

If you have any requests there is a part of the author's note where you could comment on.

Have a good morning/afternoon/evening to you all and see you in the next one-shot and also, don't forget to drink water and stay hydrated.

- Ashley/Froggie_1234 :>

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