The Beginning of A Friendship

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I have finally posted. This was supposed to be longer, but then I realized how it wouldn't make sense. Also, I will be editing the previous one-shots because there might be some mistakes I made. (like the grammar, etc.) 

Art above was found on Pinterest. Credits to the owner. 

This part is about how Darryl and Zak met. (Mafia AU)


Third Person POV:

 The environment was really peaceful in the park, the trees were swaying slightly because of the wind. A little boy with black hair and dark brown eyes could be found on a swing. His friends already went home and he was there looking at the other kids playing.

The little boy got bored and got up off the swing and started walking to one of the chairs. He suddenly heard two kids screaming from behind.

"Darryl! Get back here!"

"No I won't!"

He turned around and saw a boy running to his direction. Before he could react, the boy accidentally bumped into him. He was about to fall completely to the ground when the boy was able to catch him. They stared at each other for a moment and the little boy saw the boy's eyes. It had a beautiful green color.

The green eyed boy suddenly spoke. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." He answered.

The boy pulls him up to make him stand properly.

"I'm really sorry if I bumped into you. My cousin and I were playing a game of tag."

"I didn't get hurt, so it's all good." He responded.

"What is your name?" He asked.

"Darryl. My name is Darryl. How about you?" 

"My name is Zak." Zak responded.

"You have a pretty name." Darryl said.

"Thank you!" Zak said happily. Darryl couldn't help but smile at the shorter boy.

"Darryl!" The two heard a girl shouting. They turned around and saw a girl in a beautiful yellow dress.

"Can you come here for a sec?" Darryl asked the girl.

"Sure cuz." The girl answered. She walked to them and she stood in front of Darryl and Zak.

"Looks like you've got a new friend cuz." The girl said.

"Yes I did! Cara, this is Zak." Darryl responded.

"Hi! I'm Darryl's cousin, Cara." Cara said.

"Hello!" Zak greeted back.

Cara thought of an idea and told her cousin, "Hey cuz, we should invite Zak to our game of tag."

"Yes, but who will be the It?" Darryl asked.

"It's.... ME! TAG!" Cara shouted while tagging Darryl.

"Oh it's on!" Darryl shouted back.

"Let's go Zak! We need to run!" Cara said while dragging Zak that had spaced out a bit.

"Ah! Yes, let's go!" Zak responded while trying his best to run fast.

That was the beautiful start of the friendship between Darryl and Zak. They continued to hang out with each other and there are times where Cara will tag along. It went even better when Darryl found out that Zak will be attending the same school, where he also studies.


Words: 570 

This one-shot is really short. I'm starting to consider to make this AU a whole book. But don't get hyped yet because I'm not sure if I'm making one anyways. If I'll make one, some parts might be a copy of the Mafia AU one-shots here in this book. 

If you have any requests there is a part of the author's note where you could comment on. Have a good morning/afternoon/evening to you all and see you in the next chapter!

- Ashley/Froggie_1234 :>

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