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Hi my name is Phoenix Hart, The King of OakleanWood, and I'm going to tell you my life story of how I became King. It was a Sunday Afternoon, I was going to the backyard of the castle, when my father called for me "Yes father" "You're next in line to be King son, I have very little time left" My father acted like he would die that second "Why dose it have to be me?" I complained slightly "Listen here you disrespectful son of mine, if I got to choose I'd choose you're brother over you, Jase is respectful, kind, good with people, and Better then you'll ever be also you need to find a queen" He walked away after that, The words my father said back then still hurt to this day, but you get over it. Let's skip to when I have a talk with my assistant "Hey, Leo" "Yes Phoenix?" "I'm going to have to find a queen in order to be King" I say with a frown "Why frown that's great" "yea, but... King is a lot of work, and responsibility, also my father doesn't believe in me, so..." "Ah him as always, Ignore him you'll do great" After Leo had said that I cheered up a little, but still not enough, so he said we could get ice cream, and I ran down the castle staies to the front, I'm proper when it's needed, but a Royal isn't always proper although they are expected to be.

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