Justin's College Life and Entering his 20s

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Today is May 3rd 2004, I would like to greet Justin Happy 19th birthday! By the way, he works as a life guard in a public swimming pool. I can say he's doing a great job helping other people and saving them from some risks.

Today's June 25th 2004 and it's been a few weeks since Ella turned 18. She's now already a young woman and soon she's packing her stuff and is going to college. She graduated in her highschool yesterday and is looking forward to the bright future ahead of her. I told her that she'll apply to the same college where Justin is currently attending to so that they'll reunite together. We've had dinner at Portallini's and have some leftover kimchi for dinner.

Today is July 22nd 2004 and Today's my Hubby John's 50th birthday! Since it's just the two of us, we decided to have fun by ourselves. We were now getting closer to senior age so we are noticing signs of age as well. My hair's starting to grey and some laugh lines turned into wrinkles. John's face now has some wrinkles along with his hair starting to have more strands of grey hair. His gut is more noticable and his head's bald spots are even more noticable. For his grand 50, We have cake, pizza, wings and apple pies. We had a blast! This is the first party blast I had in almost 20 years and I invite my former high school friends to come over. It feels like when I was half of my age.

Today is December 25th 2004 and it's Christmas Day, Justin went back home to introduce us to Ella. She was a gorgeous young woman and also very smart and helpful. Justin is also very handsome too! Justin also reveals to us that he's dating Ella but in no fear, they'll focus to their studies and to not fall for any bad tricks. We have Christmas Dinner and watched T.V.

Today is May 3rd 2005 and Justin is now 20 years old! Justin is now in his 20s and starting to be a more mature adult. He still works as a life guard and Ella on the other hand, now works in a coffee shop. That's all I have to say.

Today is August 1st 2005 and guess what day it is? It's now my birthday again! By the way, I'm now already 50 and my body is changing again. My brown hair is almost being replaced by gray hairs, my breasts are sagging and I have some crow feet in my lips. For my Big 5-0, I went to the spa to retrieve my youth. Me and John also went to a Golf Course where it brings back memories of my 21st birthday and a buffet. It was amazing to turn 50! That's all I have to say, I guess.

Today is May 3rd 2006 and you know what day it is? Justin's 21st birthday! Even I know that Justin is now a responsible adult and can take care of himself, I always think of him as my baby. By the way, I bring his cake to his dorm while his friends celebrate his birthday.

Today is July 7th 2006, Justin went home to us for a weekly visit. Justin also brings Ella with us to discuss his plans. Some of his dorm mates Timothy, Brady and Alex will go on the beach with their partners and have a party there. It is fine by me as long as they don't get drunk. Justin has his bag with him and Ella has her own bag too, Justin and Ella said goodbye to us before Justin and Ella went to his own mini-van.

On the side note, I remeber that day in 1975 when me and John were around Justin's age. It was fun, We did surfboarding, barbecue, volleyball, and kissing. Ah, what I was thinking? It was almost three decades ago and my son and his girlfriend is following my footsteps on growing up.

Today is February 23rd 2007 and it's my friend's Michelle's birthday. I went to her house to meet Lizzeth who graduated college and now applying as a lawyer. She's almost 25 years old and her boyfriend is planning to propose to her in the near future, I can say that I'm proud of Lizzeth. Finally finding her own job and soon starting her own family. Me, Lizzeth and Michelle went to the mall bonding together, watching a movie and playing arcade games and we eat together.

Okay, let me check the date today: May 3rd 2007! Today is Justin's additional year in life! He's now 22 years old. Happy birthday Justin! Justin is now one handsome man just like his father when he is around his age. Justin's now an eye-candy stealing women's hearts although he already now have one in his life.

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