The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest!

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We see a picture of Mt. Neverrest in a book as we hear Scrooge talk.

Scrooge: Mount Neverest. The highest peak in the world! Most prized if the seven summits, Neverrest has claimed the world's finest explorers.

Jacob: And it has said to be completely unclimbable! Until today.

Scrooge: right you are, Jacob! (Shows everyone in their snow outfit in the plane while Scrooge closes the book in his hand) Because now, that smug stack of stalagmites has to deal with Scrooge McDuck!

Louie: Okay, so instead of spending Christmas in a billionaire's mansion and world's well known scientist's home waiting for Santa Claus...

Scrooge: That man is not allowed in my home. (Walks away) He knows what he did.

Louie: ... we're following an old man up Mount Certain Doom here?

Huey: [Mh-hm] Oh, Mount Neverrest is three times deadlier than Mount Certain Doom. The mountain's summit remains shrouded in mystery.

Jacob: (pats his head with right hand) That's right, Huey. No one has ever seen the top.

Huey: (grabs a badge out of his coat) which makes it the perfect place to earn my Junior Woodchuck Cartography Badge!

Jacob: I'm so glad you're uncle kept that little tradition alive.

Huey: [Gasp] Dad, You were a Junior Woodchuck too?!

Jacob: [chuckles] Of course I was. I'd never lie about that. After all, Woodchuck rule 16-

Jacob/Huey: Never lie to a fellow Woodchuck.

Huey: (Hugs Jacob) You truly are my dad!

The two hug until Huey lets go of Jacob and turns to Louie.

Huey: Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a topographic landscape that hasn't already been mapped?

Jacob: I know I do. It's extremely difficult.

Huey: (grabs some devices out of his backpack) Exactly! I've got a geographic information system, satellite radar detector, thermal-

Scrooge: [Dyah] you don't need all that fancy doohickory. (Looks at Jacob) that goes for you too, Jacob.


Jacob: Fine, but I'm only using the weapon system when we really need it. And I'm not taking no for an answer.

Scrooge: Fine, not like we're gonna need it anyway. (To Huey) besides, all you need is your wits, determination, (holds a surveying tool) and these. (Hands them to Huey) My old Surveying tools.

Huey: Wow! (Holds the tools) They're rusty with the wisdom of experience.

Scrooge: That's the spirit! I'm gonna be the first person to set foot on the top of Neverrest!

Huey: And I'm gonna be the first person to draw a picture of it!

Then we see Launchpad wiping the fogged window from the outside.

Launchpad: [Ugh!] This is your captain speaking. Flight doors are now open.

Launchpad pulled the door open as we see Scrooge an Jacob.

Scrooge: [sigh] (walks out of the plane along with the others) Drink it in, kids. Her deadly peaks, her bottomless crevasses, her flawless sheets of brilliant white snow betray a new hint to the ancient secrets hidden beneath, completely untrod by man! (Stops with everyone behind him as Jacob looks forward at something) The untamed majesty of Mount Neverrest!

Jacob: (pokes Scrooge's shoulder) [Um] Uncle Scrooge?

Scrooge: (looks at Jacob) What?

(Jacob points forward as Scrooge and the others look to see a bunch of people and buildings there.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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