❤️Pocky Stash❤️ Part 2

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Still sulking when the purple giant stole your food yesterday, you decided to buy some pocky in the convenience store.

'I don't know why I keep thinking about him and my pocky. Geez! I could just forget what happened yesterday!' You thought to yourself as you crossed your arms.

You were just wearing your casual clothes. It was Saturday already so you decided to buy some ingredients and sweets to store in your apartment.

Yes, you're living in an apartment that is pretty close to Yosen, because your house is hella far yet Yosen is the closest school your parents could find. (Let's just say that your house is far from schools and Yosen High is the closest, yet it would take like 1 hour travel from your house to Yosen. Lol)

You are living just by yourself, so you are always alone when you go out on weekends. Entering the convenience store, your eyes landed first on the candy section. Running (and pretended you had tears in your eyes while smiling), you suddenly grabbed the first small candy package you could find. 'This is heaven....*v*' you thought to yourself.

While getting all your favorite sweets, you went next to the other section, where canned goods and noodles can be seen. You went to get your favorite flavor of noodles, but it was located too high that you tiptoed already, yet you still couldn't reach it.

Unexpectedly, you saw a large hand above you and grabbed the cup of noodles you were trying to reach, and gave it to you. You looked at the person who reached it, and it was a guy with slick, black hair, and his right eye is covered.

"Hello, (Last Name)-chan." The guy spoke and you flinched.

"Uh, hello. Have we met before?" You replied with a confused look plastered on your face. Hearing your reply, he chuckled.

"I suppose not until now." He answered with a smile. "Don't you know me? I am studying in Yosen High as well. A sophomore, actually."

"Oh." You said, sighing in relief. "Well, I am a freshman." You smiled back and he nodded. "Anyway, how did you know my name?"

"Murasakibara-kun introduced you to me."

"Murasakibara-kun?" You tilted your head, then you realized that he was referring to that purple giant who took your pocky.

"Yes. He is actually here, in the candy sectio--"

"Hello, (Nickname)-chin." You heard a familiar deep voice behind you and it made you flinch, again.

"Gah!! Stop appearing everywhere like a ghost!" You half-screamed to his face while he was just there staring with a blank-face. (A/N: Lol Atsushi turned into GoM's next top phantom model XD)

"....Sorry?" He stared at you with a pout. 'Gee, this guy thinks he's so cute...I mean, it's impossible...look at his masculine figure...' You thought as you examined his body. Your cheeks were bright red then you realized what you were imagining.... Something.

'W-wait what the heck am I doing?!'

"You still owe me for my pocky though...." You gave him a serious face.

"Eh? I thought that was for free...okay~ I'll do it on Monday~" He said as if he's whining lazily.

"Hmph. Whatever." You said and greeted thanks to the guy with black hair who helped you reach the cup of noodles.

"Wait, (nickname)-chin~" Just about you were walking off, he called you.

"What?" You said in an irritated tone. You're still curious why he knows your nickname.

"Were you the one who bought the last stash of pocky?~"

"Yeah. Why?"

Without saying anything, he grabbed the pocky stash from your cart and walked to the cashier to pay it.

"What the heck! You took my pocky stash twi--"

"I'll repay you on Monday, right? (Nickname)-chin~ and there's no more pocky left in the candy aisle~" He just said in a boring tone.

After that, the two of them gone outside, and you suffered the whole weekend without eating pocky.


Lol sorry this one was short XD
I swear I don't even think this is a love story anymore.
Sorry I'll make it up on the next chapter.

❤️Pocky Stash❤️~MurasakibaraXReaderWhere stories live. Discover now