Chapter Six. Bernard, it's cold outside

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The Elves spent their New Year mourning as they prepared everything for the new Santa. Mrs. Claus handled a meeting with the Legendary Figures, who were also mourning the loss of Santa Claus, even Krampus was. Jack Frost on the other hand, never showed up for meetings so he never got the news. "I'm very sorry Mrs. Claus." Mother Nature said.

"Thank you." Mrs. Claus half smiled.

"How is the New Santa?" The Easter Bunny asked not wanting to stay on the sad topic any longer. "He's denying it, but I'm sure he'll come through."

"How are Bernard and Poinsettia taking it?" The Tooth Fairy asked. Mrs. Claus looked down. "Still grieving, we all are." The Legendary Figures were silent for a while.

Bernard did his rounds through the workshop. He froze at the bottom of the stairs and looked toward the room where the snow globes were kept. He hadn't been in there for years, so he wondered if he should go in and look at them. "Bernard." Curtis said from behind him. The Head Elf jumped. "Curtis! You scared me." "Sorry, but..." He paused. "Krampus wants to see you." The number two elf shivered when he spoke that name. Bernard was confused; Krampus usually didn't want to talk to him, or Poinsettia. He knew his uncle cared about him, but he didn't tend to show it very often. "Alright, tell him that I will be right there." The Head Elf started to walk away. "He said it's important!" Curtis called. Bernard sighed as he turned. "Fine, where is he?"

"In the Hall of snow globes." Bernard knew that Krampus would just want to look at Kris' snow globe after losing his brother. But that didn't stop fear from rushing through Bernard's body. He hid his fear as he made his way up the stairs and into the hall.

Krampus was waiting for the head elf, looking at the previous Santa's globe. "What do you need?" Bernard crossed his arms, the Christmas Demon turned to the south elf. "This place is similar to my collection." He put one of the globes to his ear. "But quiet."

"Yes, because my father and the other Santa's didn't trap children and their families inside of snow globes, the same goes for Saint Nicholas." The elf was already annoyed. "Could you tell me, what you want?" "For you to tell me what you know about the Yule Clause?" the elf raised an eyebrow. He knew every clause, but this one he hasn't heard of. "I've never heard of it."

"It's the clause that keeps the spirit of Christmas alive." Krampus started. "And somebody has to keep that spirit alive."

"But I thought the children of the world did that?" Bernard asked, trying to remember if this clause was ever brought up in his training. But nothing came to mind. "They do, but someone has to make sure that Santa is doing his job and keeping his spirits up. Without that, there won't be any more Christmas spirit." Krampus finished. Bernard's eyes narrowed, because he had a feeling of where this was going. "And what does this have to do with me?"

"You will go keep an eye on the New Santa."

"No Uncle, I'm not-" he didn't get to finish because Krampus teleported him to the Calvin's house.

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