Chapter Eighteen. The yule clause

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December 23

Everything was ready, but Bernard decided to make some adjustments to the sleigh, to make sure that the New Santa would be safe on his first flight. "Charlie and Mackenzie got some great ideas, that will keep you safe." Bernard led Scott over to where the elves and Charlie were working on the sleigh, and Mackenzie was standing by it with her clipboard, talking to another elf with a long blond braid. She smiled at her uncle and Bernard once they walked up to them.

"Santa, this is my brother-in law Quintin, he's the head of research and development."

"Quintin, good to meet ya." Scott shook the blond's hand. "Hello Santa." Quintin greeted in a British accent. Then turned to the sleigh where Charlie was working. "Charlie, Mack and I have put our heads together and I think the three of us got a few surprises for you." Quintin explained then walked away. Mackenzie checked off "sleigh safety" on her list.

"This is some of the best stuff, since the ball!" Bernard told Santa, then walked off with Mackenzie close behind. "Fabulous." Scott turned. "What happens if I fall off a roof?" he called, but Bernard didn't answer. Scott ran after the two.

Mackenzie thought it would be a good idea for Charlie to call Laura and Neal. She dialed the phone for him, handed it to him and told him that she would be with Scott and Bernard if he needed anything. Charlie agreed and hit "call". After a few rings, someone picked up the line. "Hello?" Laura asked nervously as she answered the phone. "Mom?" Charlie asked. "Charlie. Oh, my goodness." Laura was so happy to hear her son's voice again. "Honey, are you and Mack alright? Where are you two?" she stuttered as she asked. "We're fine, we're at the North Pole." Charlie answered.

"I-is Mack there? Can I talk to her? And you're sure that you're both okay?" Laura was worried now. "Mack is with dad and Bernard now, and we are terrific." Charlie answered. Then went on about what he and the elves were building for the new sleigh and Mackenzie was the new official Christmas planner. "Gotta go, the elves need me."

"No, Charlie. Wait put Mack on the phone. Don't hang up!" Laura tried to keep him on the phone. "We'll see you at Christmas." He said then hung up.

Bernard took Santa and Mackenzie to another room, to show them the next new invention. "Fireplaces will no longer be a problem." The Head Elf explained with a smile, while some of the elves' used flamethrowers at the new suit. "Were they ever a problem?" Mackenzie asked concerned, looking at the head elf. His smile lowered. "Once.... I think it was 1678, my father went down a chimney, but the family forgot to put their fire out." He answered. "Oh..." was all she could say. But her worry was taken away when Quintin explained that the fabric they used was flame retardant and how light it was, but yet durable, was what Judy added. "It can be worn under your coat and pants." Mackenzie checked this off the list as well. "Great but what do I do if I fall off a roof?" Scott asked, no one answered, but he could feel sadness in the air, and Bernard's angry glare on him.

The head Elf took Scott and the planner to talk to Jessica, since she was in charge of the toy orders, and Bernard knew that the new Santa should meet the woman who is in charge of the toys. "Mother?" Bernard walked up to her, she was at a table with Tante, Dingle, Wingle, Zingle, Jingle and Mingle. Jessica turned to her son, with a smile. "This is Scott Calvin the new Santa." Bernard said. "Nice to meet you, Scott." She shook his hand then introduced the other elves before they went over the list. Mackenzie checked her list, then showed it to Bernard. "Great we're ahead of schedule this year." He smiled. He was glad that Mackenzie was here, not just because she helped him to stay on schedule, because they confessed their feelings for each other. Mackenzie took his hand. He looked at her. "Want to get some cocoa?" she asked. "It could be our first date." She added whispering. Bernard smiled, then they left the room, and went to the cocoa shop.

When the two sat down, they had the same thought. "I think we should have told Santa." Bernard said. Mackenzie chuckled. "I was thinking the same thing but I'm sure he'll be fine, since we're in the North Pole, and besides he's busy." The two sat enjoying their cocoa when she remembered something. "What did you want to tell me, back at the park?"

"Befana, the Christmas Witch unlocked a memory. About us....and you and I were friends when you were younger." Bernard answered. "But I didn't have feelings for you then!" Mackenzie smiled. "That's good to know." Bernard smiled back. He was glad that she was here and that her and Santa's Christmas's spirits were up, just like Krampus told him that he needed to do for the Yule Clause.

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