Chapter Nine. Christmas Magic

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"You have been going to the Calvin's house a lot lately, is something going on between you and Mackenzie?" Poinsettia asked as she followed Curtis and her brother around the workshop for the morning check. She could feel that her brother was happier now. "No, we're just friends. Besides, Uncle wants me to check on the new Santa." He answered. He knew that Poinsettia was trying to help him win Mackenzie over, whether he wanted her to or not.

"You should do something very romantic!" he glanced down at her.

"Why would I do that, if she's just my friend?" he asked, not wanting to hear the answer. "Because you like her." This time Curtis was the one who answered. Bernard tried not to blush but felt that he was.

"What are you talking about?"

"The whole pole is talking about it." Curtis replied

Bernard blinked. "Talking about what? There's nothing to talk about." He needed to find which elf started this rumor about him liking Mackenzie. Sure, he warmed up to her, but he didn't like her like that. "Well, Crumpet heard it from Edie, who told Noel, and he told Betty." Curtis explained. "Where did Edie hear it?" Bernard asked the elf wearing glasses. "Ginger, I think, but where she heard it, I don't know." just as he finished speaking the Head Elf was already walking away.

"Bernie where are you going!?" Poinsettia called.

"To speak with Ginger." He responded in a grumble.

Poinsettia leaned down. "Is it too late, to tell him that I'm the one who started the rumor?" she whispered. Curtis looked up at her. "Why would you do that?"

"Because I thought it would help him realize that he likes Mackenzie." Poinsettia shrugged. "Guess I was wrong." She went over to the wrapping table and sat down next to Judy's boyfriend.

Bernard ended up going to see his mother instead, she was in the living-room with Tante. "If you like the girl, what's the problem?" Jessica asked. "Because we're only friends for Charlie's sake." Bernard muttered, Tante and Jessica turned to each other, because they had a feeling that there was more than that. Because if Bernard and Mackenzie shared a sparkle then there was no denying that they would end up together. "Well, even if that's the case, you should go see her." Jessica told her son turning to face him again. He stood up, because he knew that arguing with his mother was never a good idea. He started to leave but stopped and turned around. "Could you keep an eye on Curtis?" Bernard asked, Jessica nodded. He left to find Curtis to tell him that he would be in charge for a while, but he wouldn't tell him where he was going. Curtis didn't care to know where the head elf was off to; he just was overjoyed to be in charge.

Mackenzie was in her room doing some homework, when Bernard appeared by the bed. He tried to sit on it quietly, but it creaked when he did. She turned her head away from her desk and quickly to the bed and sighed in relief when she saw the elf sitting on her bed. She was happy to see him. But wouldn't admit that seeing him made her happy, so she decided to make a joke. "I'm surprised you don't have a sandwich or something."

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