Thirteen-Wait patiently on God

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"Guess what?" Meredith bounced up to Josh, eyes sparkling.

"Chicken butt?" Tanner shot back grinning.

Jacob burst into a fit of laughter.

Caleb's lips twitched but he knew better than to smile, and Rachel, bless her heart, dutifully frowned.

"I'm trying to teach him not to stay stuff like that," Josh said, tapping the brim of his boy's baseball cap and trying to keep a stern face.

They were all hanging around the baseball field waiting for Jacob's t-ball game to start.

Meredith nudged gently him with her elbow. "C'mon, you're trying not to laugh too."

Tanner laughed. "He likes to pretend he doesn't have a sense of humor anymore."

"What is it you want to tell me, Mer?" he asked, taking her hand in his and ignoring Tanner.

"My parents are coming to visit next weekend!" Her eyes lit with happiness. "I know we're going camping. They said they'd like to come with us!"

Josh liked Tom and Macy a lot, but he'd hoped to spend more time with Meredith and Jacob alone on the trip. He told himself it wasn't to make sure he was doing the right thing marrying her, but he wasn't certain.

He'd followed his friends' advice and continued to pray about what he should do. This time he was waiting patiently, and interestingly this verse came to him this morning.

But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.—Romans 8:25

What he was waiting for patiently was yet to be determined, but Josh wasn't giving up and he was trusting God to work this out according to His will.

He'd been quiet too long and Mer looked suddenly unsure. "Is it ok if they join us?"

He forced a smile. "Of course. I just didn't realize your parents liked camping."

That was true. He doubted the Jones had ever been camping in their life. Come to think of it he wasn't sure Meredith had either.

"Great!" She stood on her tiptoes, lifted her chin, and he dutifully dropped a kiss on her lips. "I can't wait for you to get to know them better."

"Yeah, me too." From the look Caleb threw him, Josh knew he sounded less than enthusiastic. He was immediately contrite. What was wrong with him? "I'm looking forward to it. You like camping, don't you?"

Meredith's face scrunched and she smiled. "I've never been before, but I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with my guy and nature."

"I'm super excited," Rachel said, easing the tension. "Whoo-hoo go nature!"

"What kind of coffee are you drinking, Rach?" Tanner's gaze zeroed in on her paper cup.

Josh bit back laughter.

"Ha, ha. Seriously, Caleb and I can't wait to camp."

"Speak for yourself." Caleb shook his head. "Tanner snores like a freight train. I think the married couples should share a tent, and everyone else can do the men's and women's cabin thing."

"And men think women cause drama," Rachel laughed, a bit nervously, seemingly taken aback by Caleb's comment. "Meredith and I get along just fine."

"You ladies have a palace-sized tent and it's just the two of you this year," he complained, but his tone lacked bite. Everyone knew Caleb loved nature and fishing, but maybe not in that order. He just wasn't partial to beaches. None of them were.

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