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I find myself staring at the mirror,

wondering if we are who we see inside.

our eyes are some distant screen

viewing life as some series

with yearly season releases.

Life is life and yet it feels as if

we are subscribing to a plan

with no terms and conditions,

only hidden fees

at a fixed interest rate.

The streets we've once made

Are crumbling with every step

We've taken towards humanity.

Chaos is the new religion

And hashtags are the new apostles

spreading the word.

What can we trust

if not what's in front of our eyes?

Would God have a filter

If she had her picture taken and posted online?

We stumble through a city

Hellbent on an apocalyptic thirst.

Injecting our dreams and fears

With double tapping hearts.

Who should we blame

If we decide our vices?

We sell our souls

Our vices so priceless.

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