Snowmen Bleed Too

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Hoshizuki rubbed the sleep from her eyes. The clock read 10:33 a.m. "Oh, crap!! Osamu we slept in!! Get up, get up!" She ripped the futon off of her boyfriend and threw it at his face. Her pink curls bounced as she stood up quickly and ran to her closet. As she was lost in her hurry she didn't hear the soft groan come from the other room. The tall man named Osamu Dazai sleepily made his way to her closet and sat on the floor. Seeing her rushing like this what quite a funny sight. "Hey short stack, it's our day off, remember? President Fukuzawa's orders~" he flashed her a small, smug smile, "He demands I stay in bed till my bullet wound healed and you're supposed to be helping me."

A hairpin clattered to the floor. Slowly, Hoshizuki turned her head to look at Osamu, annoyance clouding her eyes. "Grr, you jerk!" she lightly kicked his arm, "you should have told me instead of letting me run around like a headless chicken." There were a few moments of silence before Osamu went into her closet and grabbed her warm clothes. "Here, put this on, we're going outside." There was nothing but a blank look on her face. She felt confused but knowing him, it was going to be something silly. Hoshizuki obliged with a huff and shooed him out of the room so she could change.

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The clock now read 11:04 am. Osamu stood patiently waiting by the door. He tapped out a rhythm with his foot and hummed along with it. Shortly after Hoshizuki peeked her head out from their room as if she were checking for an ambush. "Welcome to the land of the dressed and walking," he teased. Only god knows how much he loved throwing jabs at Hoshizuki. In response, she only gave him a sarcastic smile while she gathered a few snacks. After shoving everything she needed into her bag she struggled to put on her shoes and then met with Osamu by the door. "Shall we head out my good sire?" he nodded. She held the door open for him as he walked out. Once they had both left the apartment Hoshizuki locked the door and then grabbed his hand. "So, are we going anywhere in specific or are we just wandering around?" she gave him a questioning look, truly curious as to if they had a destination or not.

A few moments of silence later, Osamu looked down at her with a warm smile, "Nah, we're just wandering around. Dr. Yosano said I need exercise or something to help with my injury-" He was cut off as Hoshizuki wordlessly let go of his hand and scurried over to a random patch of snow. Curious, Osamu followed soon behind. They spotted a red splotch of something staining the snow. The short woman crouched down, pulling her partner down with her by his collar. "Hey, look at this. I think it may be blood," with his gloved hands he began digging around the blood stain. "Osamu, if this really is a blood stain, shouldn't we call someone? We'd be tampering with evidence, you know that. You're a detective!"

He paused for a moment but in turn, shook his head, "For all we know, it's just some kid's bloody nose. We should at least check if there's something under it. Now, are you going to help me or not?" He teasingly punched her shoulder before resuming his digging. A sigh escaped her lips as she too began digging, "I suppose you're right. Alright, let's get this done and over with." The snow was deep, at least 33.02 centimeters. Yokohama normally didn't get this kind of weather but this year's winter was particularly harsh. A little less than halfway through the felt something stiff. It seemed to be a piece of clothing.

They tried to pull the clothing from the snow but it seemed stuck. They kept digging and after 10 minutes they uncovered a body. They dug up the snow from the face last. It was a man in his early 30s with 6 stab wounds to the abdomen. Hoshizuki covered her mouth but generally seemed unfazed. Osamu was the same. They saw this kind of thing on the regular. They were former mafia members with long records and now detectives at a prestigious agency. Death and murder didn't faze them in general, but it was still a sad sight to see. Osamu took a good long look at the John Doe. A smile crept across his lips as he recognized the dead man in the snow.

Hoshizuki looked at him with a confused and horrified look plastered across her face, "What the hell, why are you smiling? I know We're used to this kind of thing but-" Osamu silenced her as he raised his hand. "You don't recognize this scumbag numbnuts? He's the creep we've been looking for! The guy that killed 3 young adult females in Yokohama in the past 2 months. He's also the sexist freak that complained about you in the past 5 cases," his smile widened as he remembered each and every complaint made about her, "His name is Phuc Giang, he's Vietnamese and came to Yokohama to get away from his ex-wife. Supposedly she was crazy. He was a suspect in all 5 of those cases but had an alibi for only 2 of them. We're fairly sure those 2 murders weren't his."

Ears bent back from the cold she nodded slowly and wrapped her coat around her more. "Should we let everyone at the office know? We've been chasing him for over a month, the others should be told." Osamu pat her head then continued unearthing the body from the snow, "Why of course not! We're going to make a snowman~" Hoshizuki tilted her head to the side in confusion. She had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. "Do I want to know what you mean?" Her tone was cautious as she studied him brushing the snow away. "I mean, you ARE going to be helping, so yea you should know. We're going to prop Mister Phuc Giang up with the help of some dirt and make a snowman around him."

The look of horror was painted all over Hoshizuki's face once more. She was stunned, speechless, dumbfounded, taken aback, dazed, and everything in between. "Wh-what!? Are you INSANE?!" Osamu just turned to her and laughed, "No one cares that this monster is dead Hoshi. We'd just be postponing the discovery of his body! Besides, it'll be fun~ we get to build a snowman! This is probably one of the least gruesome things we'd have done too," his words were convincing but she still wasn't sure, "So, what do you say, do you want to build a snowman with me?" He held out his hand.

Hesitantly she took his hand and helped with getting the body out of the snow. It took them all of 20 minutes to fully get Phuc's body out of the snow. Luckily they were in a very secluded area where almost no one would see them. Soon after they began their work on their snowman-covered human.

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Finally, it was done. They both stepped back to admire their dirty secret artwork. "Well, I'd say we did a great job! What's say we go back home and eat dinner? It's already almost 7 p.m." Hoshizuki simply nodded and went back home with him. All she felt was shame. They finished their day with dinner and bed. She was restless all night.

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She woke up screaming bloody murder and hyperventilating. "Hey hey! Hoshi, what's wrong!?" Osamu bolted upright and went to comfort Hoshizuki. He hugged her tightly and rubbed her back, doing his damnedest to calm her down. "Shhhh shh sh, hey it's okay. What happened?" Worry flooded his voice and there was a troubled look in his eyes. Hoshizuki calmed down and hugged him tightly. With a shaky voice, she spoke softly, "We- We didn't build a snowman around a dead man, did we?" Osamu looked very confused and stunned, "No, I don't think so. I think I'd remember if we did that. Chibi, it's 25/10 (October 25th)" In her memory this all happened on the 26th. She heaved a heavy sigh of relief, clinging to Osamu. Thank god, this was all just a bloody nightmare.

The End

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