Comfort From An Ex-Mafia Man

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Author's note:

Trigger Warning: Mention of Su!c!d3

The clock almost struck midnight. Hoshizuki had stayed a few extra hours at the office to get a pile of paperwork done for Kunikida. It was all sprung on her that afternoon and she wasn't finished with it until 11. After all of her hard work, Hoshizuki thought it would be nice to treat herself to a drink or two. Maybe 6. Lupin was her favorite place to drink and the bartender always made a mean cocktail. Without someone to stop her, Hoshi could get carried away.

Now thoroughly drunk, Hoshizuki stumbled in through the door, almost tripping over the slightly raised floor. "I'm home," she called out. Osamu was in the kitchen getting himself a snack his girlfriend made earlier. He peeked his head around the corner to say hello. "Hey, welcome ba-" the state Hoshizuki was in stopped him mid-sentence. She was about to fall over while trying to make her way over to the couch. Saying she was tipsy was quite the understatement, she was hammered. With the next step she took, she tripped over her tail and began falling towards the floor.

When he saw that, Dazai dropped the dish he was holding and dove under Hoshizuki to stop her from hurting herself. "Hoshizuki!" he cried out. The plate shattered once it hit the floor but holy shit that was close. Face first on top of Osamu, Hoshizuki rolled over, now tangled up in her trench coat. God, she was a mess. Carefully, Dazai flipped onto his back, doing his best not to hurt his girlfriend but somehow managed the drop her head on his crotch as he was laying her back down. "Ooooh, fuck!! Mmmmm that hurts-"

Hoshizuki seemed startled when Osamu screamed. She hadn't noticed she was laying on the floor with her head resting on Dazai's lap. A few moments of Dazai wriggling in pain went by before Hoshizuki turned her head to meet his eyes. Her yellow-orange eyes seemed a bit dull from all of the alcohol but they were just as lively as ever. "Well hello stranger," she spoke softly and smiled with a dreamy look in her eyes. A chuckle escaped Osamu's lips as he helped Hoshizuki sit up, untwisting the mess that was her cream trench coat. "Hey there. I see you had a great time at Lupin?"

Hoshizuki pulled her arms back into her coat and unrolled the sleeves just to give Dazai a silly double thumbs up with the sleeves draping over her small hands. "I did~ you and your smarts have solved yet another case!" the words came out in just above a whisper but were still audible. "Hey," her tone became serious and she reached her hand up to poke his cheek, "you have something on your face."

A small smile spread across the man's lips. He couldn't help but think of how adorable his little fox was but he felt a twinge of confusion. "And what, pray tell, would that be Hoshizuki?" Still, with a serious voice, Hoshizuki spoke, "I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure I have to diagnose you with the handsome disease." Suddenly, a loud gasp came from Dazai as he clapped one of his hands over his open mouth. "Oh no... tell me, Dr. Suzuki, how much time do I have? It can't be much longer," he dramatically threw one of his hands up to his forehead and struck quite a noteworthy pose. The pink-haired woman giggled a bit, trying to maintain her straight face. "It's not fatal Mr. Dazai. Although the side effects are attracting most females to you within a 762 cm radius. There are many ways of curing this though. You could smash your face in with a brick, but as your Dr. Girlfriend, I highly suggest against it."

This whole time he tried to hold in his laughter but couldn't contain it any longer. He threw his head back as he laughed loudly and scooped up the small young woman in his arms. "You know short stack, you never cease to amaze me with your playfulness, even when you're like this," he stood up with Hoshizuki and went to close the door with his foot, "Come on, let's get you on the couch." When he reached the couch with Hoshizuki in his arms, he sat down and let out a soft grunt. Suzuki turned her head to look at Osamu and smiled goofily at him.

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