5. The New Kid

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     The flight back to the coast was relatively quiet. Nathan never said a single word to Peter despite the fact that his father went out of his way to book first class to make their trip back to the summer home as comfortable as possible. Rather than fight the silence, Peter decided to enjoy it while he could. To him this was like the calm before the storm, and there would be a time later in the summer when he was likely going to wish for times this quiet. When they landed, Ray was there to give them a police escort back to the house. Peter wasn't kidding and Nathan couldn't help but feel intimidated as Ray went out of his way to look as imposing as possible. Ray even took the time to wear his body armor, club, and sidearm just to go out of his way to scare Nathan and subtly remind him beyond a shadow of a doubt exactly who was in charge.

     "How was your flight?" Ray asked as he helped with Peter's bags.

     "Surprisingly quiet," Peter observed as he picked up Nathan's bags. "How are Sonya and the kids doing?"

     "They are ready for their new guest," Ray said with a warm smile. Nathan couldn't see Ray's eyes because they were hidden behind a pair of classic cliché sunglasses you would expect an actor to wear in a cheesy cop drama.

     "We're not going to get any trouble from you, are we boy?" Ray asked Nathan with an alpha male, chest beating tone.

     The look worked as Nathan was again greatly intimidated.

     "No, Sir." The young man quietly replied.

     "That's what I like to hear," Ray said, tossing the bags into the back of his truck and closing the door. "I just wanted to let you know that the house you're going to be staying at this summer to me. I rent it to your father, so try to be gentle with my home while you're there. We clear on that, son?"

     "Yes, Sir." Nathan repeated.

     "That's good," Ray growled, and Peter was doing whatever he could not to chuckle. "Because if you give this man any trouble that I don't much approve of, I will not hesitate to toss your ass into the slammer for a night or two."

     Ray spit out a toothpick that he was chewing on before getting into the truck.

     "Let's get going," Peter said, as he believe Nathan got the point. "I've got the impression that Sonya is making a nice dinner for everyone."

     "Alright, let's move." Ray said, getting into the driver's seat.

     Peter could see what Ray was doing and he couldn't help but feel proud that his friend was going to be there for him should Nathan get even a little out of control. Peter knew Nathan was going to be a handful but had no idea how bad things could get this summer. The fact that he had the backing of his best friend meant the world to Peter. Ray knew everything and was the one guy who had control of any situation and in his town, which was exactly how he preferred to keep it.

     It took about an hour, but Ray finally pulled into the long driveway just as it was sun was starting to set. Nathan was going to have to wait till morning to get a good idea of how big the house way and where it was situated. Peter had a feeling after a while Nathan might enjoy spending time out here and hopefully future summers as well. Ray put the truck into park, opened the doors, and went to the back to grab their bags.

     "Get over here boy," Ray called out, "Carry your own junk into the house."

     Before Ray had to ask Peter came over and grabbed his own bag and walked up to the house. Sonya was at the door to hold it open for the guys as they arrived. Once all the men walked into the house they could smell the feast that she had made for them all. It was a nice spread of Lasagna with more than enough garlic bread on the side for everyone to have a few pieces. Ray put one of Nathan's bags down on the pullout couch and gave Sonya a soft and friendly hug.

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