𝖛𝖎. 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖙𝖊

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"Where did you get so much blood from?" White questioned Black as his brother placed a bag on the coffee table in front of White.

White had been watching tv waiting for Black to return from wherever he'd run off to in such a hurry. Well, he knew where he'd gone too and he was not happy that Black had gone to visit Todd. But he had taken advantage of the time Black was gone to finish reading the links Gram had sent him the day before.

Yes, White has been texting with Gram since their last meeting. He needed to know more about what Gram had told them because if it was true then not only would it explain why White was so attracted to Sean but it might also mean Black didn't have to continue making deals with Todd in exchange for blood. Black has been taking care of White their entire lives and for the past eight years since they ran away from their coven Black has made the biggest sacrifices to make sure White had blood to drink. So if there was a way to help Black then White was going to try it.

Besides, it was kind of romantic if what Gram said was true and Sean was really White's soulmate.

Of course, White would have to speak with Sean first and see if he was willing to let White drink his blood and see if they were compatible. He wasn't going to assume Sean was willing to let White drink from him just because they could possibly be soulmates. Gram had given him Sean's number earlier but White was too nervous to text him though.

"Are we going to do the whole thing where you try and get me to admit I went to see Todd and I act like I don't know what you're talking about? Because I really don't feel like going in circles right now and I kind of need you to sample every single one of these blood bags to see if you can keep any of these blood types down. Your eyes are redder than I've ever seen them and you refuse to drink from me just yet so we're going to do this first and then if it doesn't work you're drinking from me." Black said as he opened the bag and started taking blood bags out.

White leaned forward and grabbed one looking at the label.

Black walked over to the kitchen and grabbed three big bowls.

"This is the 'Ew. Disgusting. Nope.' bowl." Black put one bowl in front of White. "And this is the "I can maybe drink this bowl.'. Got it?" Black said, placing the second bowl next to the first.

White nodded. "What's the third one for?" White asked.

"In case you puke." Black said.

White nodded, understanding exactly why he had gotten it.

It was most likely all of the blood bags were going to make him nauseous but if Black wanted him to try them all then he would. Afterwards he would tell Black about the fact that maybe Gram had been right. It was better to do Black's plan first so he didn't have an excuse to deny trying White's plan next. And since White cooperated with Black's plan he would be forced to also cooperate with White's.

"Blood bag number one." Black said, grabbing one. "This is rabbit blood."

White took it when he offered it to him and reluctantly used his fangs to make two small holes to drink from. Black looked at him hopefully as he tried it but his face fell when White immediately gagged when he tasted the blood. He offered White the puke bowl and a water bottle to rinse his mouth.

"That's a no." White said after he had rinsed his mouth and spit the now red tinted water into the bowl. Black nodded and placed the blood bag in the no bowl.

"Okay, don't worry, we've got nine more." Black said, grabbing another blood bag and reading the label. "Maybe the lion will be better." He offered the blood bag to White.

They repeated the process of Black handing White a blood bag, White tasted it, White immediately felt like he was going to puke, Black handed White the puke bowl to rinse his mouth, and started all over again until there was only one blood bag left.

𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐈'𝐦 𝐈𝐧 (𝐀 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐀𝐔)Where stories live. Discover now