𝖛𝖎𝖎𝖎. 𝖇𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐

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  Black was pissed.

  Ever since White invited that mutt and the human over to discuss whatever the fuck kind of connection White and the human had Black had to deal with those two assholes, Sean and Gram, going over almost every day to the apartment.

  He hated it.

  He felt like his home was being invaded. It hadn't missed Black’s attention that things of Sean had started appearing around the apartment either. First it had been a sweater. Then a shirt. Then a scarf. Then a pillow. Then a book. Everywhere Black looked he saw something that belonged to Sean. He even thought he saw a toothbrush for Sean in the bathroom that morning.

  White didn't stop talking about the human either. So even when Sean wasn't hanging out in the apartment Black had to listen to White rant about if he was moving too fast with Sean and if he should sit down with Sean and talk about what exactly they were. Clearly White was attracted to the asshole, and the asshole to White, but neither had mentioned dating yet. So Black was subjected to having to stay in his bedroom if he didn't want to see or hear about Sean.

  Then there was the fact that Gram seemed to think that because Sean was allowed in the apartment it meant he was too. Black never agreed to Gram so he didn't understand why nine out of ten times that Sean came over so did Gram. And the dog always knew how to get under Black’s skin. It was frustrating and infuriating that he wasn't even allowed to be at peace in his own home anymore because either White and Sean were sitting in the living room acting all shy and shit meanwhile Black tried to watch TV or Gram followed Black around the apartment trying to make conversation even though Black clearly didn't like him and he knew it.

  But he wasn't going to ruin things for White either and kick Sean and Gram out. For some fucking reason that Sean guy made him happy. He had been laughing and smiling more ever since he'd met him and Black wasn't going to mess with that.

  So here he was, out of the apartment because White had mentioned he wanted to talk to Sean about their relationship status, at a bar surrounded by drunk people and a mixture of supernatural beings and mortals. He wasn't looking to get too drunk but drunk enough that it would relax him a bit before heading back home.

  "One more!" Black yelled at the bartender and held up a finger. He saw the bartender nod and start serving him another drink.

  He was a frequent client at this bar; the bartenders and security knew him. He knew if he did get too drunk they'd call White or get him a cab home.

  Black was finishing his drink when he saw someone take the seat next to him at the bar. He had been giving ‘leave me the fuck alone’ vibes all night so he was left alone but he could feel the person looking at him so clearly they hadn't gotten the message or didn't care. There were always some creeps who didn't care if someone seemed interested or not, especially cocky supernatural beings who seemed to think mortals just couldn't resist a one night stand with one of their kind.

  "Fancy seeing you here." Todd’s familiar voice came from the spot that had just been taken.


  Just what Black needed.

  Black had left the apartment to avoid one person he didn't like and had ended up finding another.

  "Fuck off." Black said not bothering to yell over the music or turn to look at the vampire.

  He knew Todd heard him and even saw him and heard him chuckle from the corner of his eye.

  "What's got you mad tonight?" Todd asked, leaning close to Black’s ear.

  Black turned and glared at him until he backed up and then took his drink from the bartender and finished it all in one shot.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐈'𝐦 𝐈𝐧 (𝐀 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐀𝐔)Where stories live. Discover now