Ch~3: Fragments (Interlude)

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Kakashi yawned, mindlessly turning another page in his trademark Icha Icha book. He threw a glance at Mirai who was all but marching behind him. That little vacation at steam had helped her cool off and loosen up and now here they were again. But then again, Kakashi would be lying if he said his 'lazy stroll' didn't have an urgency to it.

They snapped into their roles as they saw the Land of valleys post approaching, Mirai loosened up and put on professional front as to not throttle the innocent guards unintentionally. Kakashi on the other hand, pocketed his book and prepped to exactly that.... metaphorically at least. He needed things at a certain pace and he knew fear was a good incentive for pace, for everything actually. 

But he needed to tone it down, just unsettle them, not scare them into running for their lives. Except he did exactly that, almost. Seriously, what even was scary about him? He was just a harmless regular ninja with a mask.

Still, it got things done splendidly, a sharp eyed jounin, a firm chunin and a scroll with big bad hokage seal. It took seconds for them to get the approval. The guards were more than relieved to see them on their merry way. 

He almost took his book out to pick up where he left. But then decided against it, oh well he knew it by heart anyway. Mirai was getting restless. He gazed around and sort of picked his words. 

"You know we're not here to rescue them, we're here to pick them up from a sticky situation because we happened to be nearby." 

If kakashi was honest with himself, this mission is the result  of the hokage and the other hokage being doting parents who could not wait. Well, kakashi muses, his kids never did have the penchant for patience.

Mirai stopped abruptly and then shot him a look.

"Said sticky situation  happens to have Orochimaru involved. There's also the involvement of the divine tree."

Kakashi smacked his lips. "It's not even that big of a tree."

"They said it was three stories long, at least what was visible of it above ground." 

When Kakashi did nothing but sigh, Mirai stiffened. It almost looked like she was balling up her fists.

"I just can't help but feel we need to prepare for something."

"You're just worried."

"Well my worry is warranted."

Kakashi  smiled. "You know, they may not be as capable as you, but they're exceptional shinobhi and you should give them their credit." 

Mirai deflated, almost, "I... I know" her voice was small. "But after seeing what happened, I can't help but feel anxious. Like I need to be more on guard or something. I saw what it did to Konohamaru. Then he went off on a sketchy mission, which was here and then this happens."

Kakashi hummed. Of course he knows what happened, every konoha shinobhi does. The new team 7 were famous and not just because of their parents. When the team with 100% success rate gets taken down for the first time, things tend to get.... troublesome.

Then there was the sentimental value. These kids were family after all. There's also the fact that they went against the same troublesome bastard from that oh so troublesome organisation. 

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