17| Bumping into someone...again

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I don't know what the actual fuck just happened

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I don't know what the actual fuck just happened.

"Earth to kie you there." A hand waves in front of me and I see Grayson.

"You okay, just zoned out there for a second." He says with a smile.

Everytime he smiles even the slightest but his dimples show.

Why the actual fuck am I like this?

Probably because of the books you read stupid.

Yeah maybe.

"Um yeah, I'm all good." I pass him three books avoiding eye contact.


Once we were done I take my seat on the bean bag that's on the other side of the library.

"I need to cool myself down." I mumble softly to myself as I open a book.

"What you reading." Blake asks.

"A romance novel."

"What's it about?"

Yes, I love this question!

While I give a small summary of what I know about the book, I'm smiling like a crazy person.

*I'm screaming inside*


The boys and I walk out the library together going to our next classes since free periods done.

We take a left and I bump into someone. Her textbooks scatter all over the floor of the hallway.

"Sorry." We both mumble at the same time whole picking them up.

The voice sounds feminine.

Great, well don't kie. Your going amazing sweetie!

I sigh looking up at the gilr and she's really pretty.

She looks mixed, her curly hair is up in a ponytail with some curly pieces out. But can we have a moment for her lashes.

They are so long.

Once we finished we stand up.

"Hi!" She said with a beaming smile.

"Hey. I'm sorry about that by the way." I said mentioning the bumping I to each other.

"No, no, your good." She says. Her eyes evert to the boys who I've forgotten were with me.



Her eyes widen.

"You were at auditions yesterday, right?"

"Yeah, I was."

"Well you were really good. Liel your technique and your movements. Ahh they were good. You slayed." She said causing me to burst into an ear to ear smile.

"Thank you." I said.

"Hey we should talk some time. I'd honestly like to get to know you." She said.

"Yeah sure. I'd love that actually. I've been spending too much time with these idiots I've had enough of boys now."

I hear their gasps from behind me.

She let out a laugh.

"Okay, I gotta get to class. See you around." She said and I nodded.

As she walks away the boys look at me and are trying to contain their laughter.

"Just laugh I know you want to." They start bursting out in laughter.

I playfully roll my eyes and continue my way to class.

I have English now, so I sadly don't have any of the boys with me.

I walk in and take my seat at a window. I take out my stuff snd start getting ready for the class.

"Anyone sitting here?" I recognise the voice.


"Oh hey. No one is sitting here." I said and pulls the chair out and sits.

"Didnt think I'd end up seeing you in here."I said.

"Same. But I'm happy that we're here together so now I actually have someone to talk to and we can you use this time now to get to know each other." She said.


"Should we just do a q&a thing?" She suggests.

"Sure. You can start." I said.

"Easy and basic. favourite colour."

"Seige green. Yours?"


"Fav artist at the moment?"

"Taylor Swift. You?"


"Any siblings?"

"No. You?"

"Older brother his name is Jayden. Is in this school."

"A place you'd like to go to?"

"Europe. Specifically Italy and Greece."

"Africa. And I'd like to go to Cape Town."

"Oh heard and seen its beautiful there."

"Yeah. Its is."

"Dream car?"

"G - wagon."

"Same." I said.

"Type of guy?" She asks.

"Okay I'm very specific when it come to boys. I would like him to be tall that when I hug him my head lays on his chest-" She cuts me off with a squeal.

"Yes. I love that. Then his one hand is at the back of your head and the other aroud your waist." She says holding onto the chair with one hand and the other with the table.

"Instant fold." I said.

"For real." She said.

"You know I think we'd make good friends Kiara." She smiles.

"I agree. Let's just start being friends starting now." I said putting my hand out for her to shake to seal it.

"Agreed." She says shaking my hand. Look at me. I've made just made a friend.

Class started a while ago, we haven't been paying attention at all. We've just been talking, laughing and gossiping about people.

We talked a lot. I know she has two friends. Their names are Mila and Jordyn and she thinks they'd love me so she want me to meet them tomorrow.


It's lunch and I'm sitting outside with other students as well.

I sit, leaning on a tree and have a chicken wrap in one hand and my phone in the other.

I'm ordering books.

"Hey kie!" I hear Nathan's voice call out.

I lift my head and him, Grayson and Logan are walking towards me.

"What ya doing there?" Nathan ask coming to sit next to me.

"Ordering some books."

"Ouu. Yeah no." He says cringing.

"You a bookworm?"Grayson asks.

"A very big one."

"What books do you like reading."

"I read anything with romance."

He nods.



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