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"Who's there!" A patrol guard shouted, alarmed by a shadowy figure pacing near the Princess' large tent.

He approached them with his weapon and torch.

"Battalion commander of the Flying-Feather battalion, Liam Manoban."

Lisa reported her position quietly, and she reached for her nameplate instinctively, but her arms protested heavily against the movement.

She did not manage to take it out promptly.

The guard waved the torch near Lisa, then he said courteously: "There's no need to take it out, Battalion Commander, this lowly one recognizes you."

"Oh, thank you." Lisa dropped her hands weakly.

"Battalion Commander, this lowly one heard that you suffered rather serious injuries from the recent battle. How is your recovery?"

"Thank you for your concern, I'm already much better."

"Battalion Commander, the story of what you did has already spread throughout the entire camp. You were surrounded on all side by Huns, but you managed to brute-forced a way out, saving our Pioneer Commander Wang in the process. Now everyone in the camp wants to get a glimpse of your glory!"  

In the darkness, Lisa furrowed her brows.

Something was fishy about this, but the specifics were escaping her.

She asked the patrol guard: "Where did you hear this?"

Slightly surprised by the question, the patrol guard gave it some thought, but he couldn't recall any particular person.

It was just what everyone else said.

And so, he answered casually: "I heard someone else talk about it. Everyone was saying it."

Hearing that, Lisa said sternly: "That story is inaccurate. First of all, Pioneer Commander Wang wasn't saved by me alone. If it wasn't for the selfless aid of two skilled soldiers from my Flying-Feather battalion, Muichiro and Gyomei, I probably would have been killed alongside the pioneer commander. We were both injured too. You can see how I still can't raise my arms fully. So, the truth isn't as fantastic as what the rumors make it out to be."

"Oh... so that's how it is!"

"We're in a turbulent period, return to your patrols. You must be more vigilant especially around the Commander-in-Chief's and the Princess's tents."

"Understood!" The guard gave an orderly bow, then he left with his torch.  

Once the guard was gone, Lisa looked towards Jennie's large tent again.

Then she left slowly under the darkness of night.

Lisa did not notice, however, that a ghost-like black shadow flashed into Jennie's large tent as she left.



I was quietly sitting at my table, reading a number of silk reports.

Irene, dressed in black clothes and a mask, was kneeling on one knee before me.

"Upper moon two, greets Your Highness." Another black shadow moon that had just entered the tent went to kneel next to Irene in an orderly manner.

"Mm, what is the matter?"

"Reporting Your Highness, the battalion commander, Liam Manoban, came to the Your highness' tent alone an hour ago ..."

Following that, the shadow reported Liam's every move as witnessed before my tent, including his conversation with the guard, word for word.

I am currently reading a silk report.

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