Chapter 1

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Scene, Bar: it was crowded in the bar as always. People rush to get some alcoholic beverages after a hard day at work. Call and his girlfriend Shelly were sitting on the side of the bar. Cole is making jokes to the people around him. When cold took a sip of his whiskey every when was silent. 

Colt: what's wrong? Why is everybody quiet?

Coat looked at the man everybody was staring at. The man had a black silky pompadour. A resting bitch face, black vest, septum piercing. The man was taller coma bigger than anyone in this room. Cold quickly look away, taking another sip of his whiskey. The big man sat somewhat close to them colt looked at the bartender.

Colt: What's that guy's name?

Bartender: They call the big guy Bull.

Colt sink into his chair. Glaring at Bull whenever Bull wasn't looking.

Shelly: I'm going to go back to work. Don't take too long, Colt.

Colt didn't respond. It was an hour later. Bogart up walking outside. Colt got up and followed him. Stalking, Colt stepped outside to see Bull against his black car, smoking a ciggy.

Colt sat on the bench across from the car. Colt started the stare at Bull again. Bull look back at Colt. Colt looked down, face red. Whenever Colt look back up Bull was in front of him. Picking Colt up and shoving him towards the brick wall of the bar. Colt gasped for air, squeezing Bull's meaty arms. Colt started shaking.

Colt: Hey big guy..... Let me go please!

Bowl gave Colton a death stare and dropped him. Walking away from colt. Bowl hopped into his car. Colt laid there on the ground. Trying to catch his breath. His whole body felt numb. He was scared and on the other hand he loved it. Colt up looking at Bill's car. Rubbing the marks Bull left on him. Bull left.

Scene: Streets (Night)

Colt was tipsy from all the alcohol you had earlier after the incident. Colt try not to throw up. Colt needed to rest somewhere before he falls on the streets. Try not to fall , Colt fell into a random vehicle, passed out drunk.

Around two hours later Colt felt someone get into the vehicle. Colt grown and looked at the passenger seat. Bull was looking down at him and looked back at the at the steering wheel. The car started to move.

Colt: Where are you taking me Bull?

Bull stopped the car in the middle of nowhere. The door slammed. Colt lifted his head up. He saw a Bull hover above him. 

Colt: Hmmm?

Coltstarted to feel hot. He started to sweat. He had button his shirt. Colt's tits and stomach we're hanging out. The breeze felt amazing.

Colt: Please....don't hurt me..

Colt started to rub the sweat off of his tits. Bull looked away, sweating as well. Bull went back to start the car, and started driving. 

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