Meeting an old friend .

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Michael: "So, what have you been up to lately?"
Ming: "Not much. Just getting ready for the new school year. You?"
Michael: "Same here. Trying to get used to the new routine."
Ming: "Hey, do you remember that science fair we did last year?"
Michael: "Of course. We worked together on the robotics project, remember?"
Ming: "Yeah, that was pretty cool. I was thinking we could team up again this year, if you're interested."
Michael: "Absolutely! We could build something really awesome."
Ming: "Let's start small, okay? We've got plenty of time to brainstorm."
Michael: "You got it."

As Michael and Ming walked down the hall, they chatted about the upcoming school year and compared schedules. Much to their surprise, they both had history class together. "Well, this is a coincidence," Ming said, grinning. "Looks like we're going to be classmates again even after transferring schools ." Michael couldn't help but smile back. For the first time since arriving at the new school, he felt like he had a friend.

As they entered the history classroom together, Michael felt a sense of optimism wash over him. Maybe this new school wouldn't be so bad after all.

As Michael and Ming walked out of the classroom, Michael couldn't shake the feeling of frustration from the history lesson. "You know, Columbus didn't actually discover America," he said to Ming. "There were already indigenous people living here when he arrived. So he didn't really discover anything." Ming looked at him skeptically. "But that's what we learned in class, right?" Michael shook his head. "Yeah, but I remember learning about the indigenous people and their cultures in middle school. It just doesn't make sense to me that we're erasing them from the story now." Ming nodded thoughtfully. "I see what you mean. It's like we're supposed to forget that they were ever here." Michael felt a surge of annoyance. He didn't like feeling like he was being lied to. "I just wish we could learn the truth, you know? It feels like we're being fed a bunch of half-truths and propaganda." Ming put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, I get it. But maybe we can do something about it. We could start a club or something, where we talk about real history." Michael raised an eyebrow. "A club, huh? You might be onto something." As they walked down the hallway, Michael couldn't help but feel a sense of determination. Maybe he couldn't change the past, but he could at least try to make the present more honest.

But before he could say anything else, the bell rang, signaling the end of the class. Michael gathered his things and followed

Michael: "You know, it's funny. We used to hate each other. I remember one time you broke my ribs with a kickball."Ming: laughs "Oh my god, I remember that! I felt so bad."Michael: chuckles "Yeah, it was pretty rough."Ming: "It just goes to show, right? Things aren't always what they seem."Michael: "Yeah, you're right. Maybe things can change. And maybe we can help change them for the better."Ming: "Exactly. We've got each other's backs now, right?"Michael: "Definitely. Let's do this."They walked into class, feeling a sense of unity and determination.

shoulder and smiled, grateful for her support. But deep down, he couldn't shake the nervousness he felt about challenging what he'd been taught. "Thanks, Ming. I appreciate it," he said. "But do you think it's really possible for us to change anything?" Ming shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe not in the short term.

But we can at least start a conversation, right? And who knows, maybe over time, we can make a difference." Michael nodded slowly, feeling a glimmer of hope. "Yeah, you're right. We've got to start somewhere."

"I'm gonna ask the principle about starting the club ."

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