Hanging with Unc part 2

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Uncle Arron's eyes lit up as an idea occurred to him. "I know just the place where we can hang your artwork," he said, a mischievous grin on his face. "Follow me." Michael trailed behind as Uncle Arron made his way to the nearby subway station. He fiddled with a lock on a gate, and within moments, it swung open with ease. Michael had no idea how his uncle had managed to unlock it, but he knew that his uncle had a way of getting things done. They made their way down onto the subway tracks, Uncle Arron leading the way with ease as Michael struggled to keep up. Finally, they arrived at a hidden alcove, which Uncle Arron revealed to be his own personal hideout. The walls were covered with graffiti and art, and Michael's sketches fit in perfectly amongst the vibrant colors and designs. Together, they hung up the sketches, creating a beautiful and inspiring oasis in the heart of the city. Michael felt grateful to have such a supportive and daring uncle, and he knew that he would never forget this unforgettable adventure.
He turn the jukebox on started playing Fujees .

As Michael worked on his latest art project, he noticed a strange, glitchy spider making its way towards him and Uncle Arron. The spider had "Experiment 42" printed on it and kept changing colors, making it difficult to track. Michael watched in horror as the spider crept closer and closer, until it suddenly disappeared into his jacket. He panicked, swatting at his jacket until the spider fell to the ground. Michael quickly knocked the can of spray paint out of the way as the spider landed on it. It started to change colors again, blending in with its surroundings until it was nearly invisible.

As Michael watched, the spider seemingly vanished into thin air. He couldn't believe what he had just seen, and neither could Uncle Arron.

"What was that?" Michael asked, shaken.

"I have no idea," Uncle Arron replied. "But it definitely wasn't a normal spider."

They both stared at the can of spray paint on the ground, unsure of what to do next. After a moment, Michael regained his composure and painted the word "Expectation" on the wall.

Uncle Arron looked at the painting in awe. "Wow, Michael, that's incredible," he said.

As they admired the artwork, Michael couldn't help but wonder why his dad and Uncle Arron couldn't get along. They were both great people, but they just couldn't seem to see eye-to-eye.

"Why can't my dad and you get along?" Michael asked, breaking the silence.

Uncle Arron sighed. "It's complicated, Michael. Sometimes people just have differences that they can't overcome. But you have to remember that we both love you very much, and nothing can ever change that." we use to do this stuff back in the day , but then he took on the cop thing .
"That's crazy !"

Michael nodded, considering his uncle's words. He knew deep down that they were both right, and that despite their differences, he could always count on them to be there for him.
Unknownly the spider went in his jacket

Michael was getting ready to head back when he decided to take a picture of his artwork. As he was zooming in, he noticed the radioactive spider crawling onto his hand. Before he could react, it bit him and injected venom into his veins, turning his red blood cells blue.

Ceasar stared at his hand with no emotion, his face a deadpan expression. He smacked the spider and walked away, seemingly unfazed by what had just happened.
Huh that's all

Caesar didn't say anything to Uncle Arron about the spider bite, instead keeping it to himself. He wasn't sure if he was imagining things, but he felt different in some way, almost invigorated. As they made their way out of the subway station, Caesar pondered over what the spider bite could mean for him.Ceasar let's go .
He leaves the place as the lights go out and the spider on the ground dead as it was smacked to the ground

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