Chapter 18-Blaze

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Me and Gage ran  as fast as we could when  we saw   jaggers room door open  as we had gotten the mind links  about blood in the room  as soon as we got in  I saw the most beautiful  woman about to leave the room she was stunning  she was like an angel  here hair was silver  her lips pure red her eyes dark mossy  green  when she looked me over  I got excited.

But I stopped when I saw  Gages shocked look  he looked over  the beautiful  woman  like he was trying.g to see if she was cut  and  then he said

"Tanya  what are you doing here   and why are you covered  in blood "

"Gage its nothing  honestly  I came to return Cindy to her master  but when we entered the  room  a woman  who I thought was a maid   ended up being an assasin  she attacked  me when she couldn't  find a demigod  and with her were two men  me and aanya  became  one  and I tied up the woman but  then Cindy was in trouble  so I attacked one of the men and things went to  shit.

But now  I feel exhausted  and grimy I need to bath and have a nap before I have to attend  a dinner with  my parents  and then  some type of ball I don't  know"

The gorgeous  tanya  looked exhausted and she would  have  passed out had Gage not grabbed her and picked her up  she tried to fight him off but  he just chuckled  and  Tanya gave up  he carried her to his room and  told her to  bath and he would send for her  freinds   she smiled tiredly and  did what  gage asked  then gage asked cerberus  to gsurd the door while  we  cleaned up.

It took hours but we were done   it was also good when   the freinds  of Tanya  appeared along  with male gaurds   cerberus  growled  at them when  the took over the  gaurding   but she  was  ok  after the many  hours  we saw  gages room door open and  the freinds  of Tanya came out  dressed to.the nines  in silk  gowns  and there hair in a   bun  then we saw Tanya come out  she looked  like royalty.

Her long silver locks  were   curled into perfect  ringlets  her  deep green eyes    were  boldly coated in khol and her lips coated in pure  red  she looked  good enough to eat  I smirked.

I wasn't the only one  who found her seductive  all my freinds  had there mouths open  and gage looked smitten dagger looked drunk on the lust  he   got  off our freinds  sneaky bastard .

Tanya  looked at us her eyes turning  teal with every check out of us  Gage wasn't surprised  by  the eye colour   changes  but the rest of us were  the teal eyes looked so sexy that  I felt my member growing all of us had a stare down  with  Tanya  and it felt like we all wanted  the same thing .

We were surprised  when within seconds tanya was in front  of us five she surprised  us  when she  placed a kiss on  Gages Lips  first he looked crazy for her  and through there eyes  I saw something  being exchanged  then gage nodded then one by  one  Tanya   grabbed our faces and kissed us  on the lips  after gage  she kissed  Vengence, jagger ,dagger and then finally  me.

Her kiss was so soft  and sweet and  her  eyes  glittered with  lust ,endearment  passion  then as we all looked at her  she said


It was so clear  that we all wondered what was hers but just as she left Gage grabbed her and  gave her a huge kiss that even succubuses would get jealous  over and when he released Tanya  her eyes were no longer  teal but mossy green  he blush was super   red qnd when she looked our way  her blush deepened  and  thats when Gage said


We were stunnedat Gages  proclamation   and Tanya looked the same  until her eyes clouded and   then she smile her green eyes showed  nerves  and she said

"Not just yours alone Gage  Aanya told me I am  not yours  alone   I am also theres  will you be OK with that  because Aanya loves you all  "

Gage looked at us four  then at Tanya he smiled and said

"I don't mind  sharing you  Baby  but  they are clueless  but don't worry  inwill set. These idiots straight  you to now your father  must be waiting  and  maybe if we meet at  the ball   they will know  too  but becareful   we will be there with our parent   and can't wait to  meet yours"

Tanya  smiled and tip toed but gage was too tall then  he lifted her up  she blushed and kissed his cheek  he then put her down and.the gaurds  Stationed  outside  her room   approached  and said

"My lady  forgiveness  but your father is waiting  and if you dont turn up  he will  come here and your cousin Maria  is losing her mind and I'd  rather not have my jewels removed"

Tanya  looked  confused and  thats when I realised  how innocent  she was  by what she said next.

"Gemma ,jenna what are the  jewels Javier is   talking about  if Maria breaks them its not a problem  can't we fix  them"

Gage burst out laughing  and  tanyas freinds  Gemma and  Jenna trued holding back a giggle  Tanya  began pouting   and thats when  dagger opened  his mouth  but before he could say anything  Gage said

"Baby  the jewels  he speaks of aren't  ones you can  replace  what I mean is   he us talking about his bits he us scared your cousin  will dismember them"

Tanya  blushed and   got flustered  when she looked down  and her eyes clouded  again  but this time she squeaked  cutely  and said  her thanks ass she rushed out of the room  hitting her head on the door  we all burst out  laughing  including  Tanya  she  had tears running down her face but no makeup ran  I guessed it wass spell that kept it intact  then tqnya said bye and when she was gone  Dagger lost it .

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