I'll Help

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Tiara never bothered using the front door when she got home after school. It just made more sense to her to go through the door that led down to the basement on the side of the house. The ring camera would notify her parents and tell them that she was home, so they always knew when she was in the house. She unlocked the door and went inside before throwing her school bag down and walking over to her bed and laid down.

"What took you so long?" Tiara looked up to see Courtney sitting on the small sofa across the room from where she sat on top of her bed.

"So, you went home to turn around and come to my house when you could have just walked home with me," Tiara said.

"i had to report to my mom that I was home before I went to your house because for some reason she thinks that I'm sneaking out to see boys when I say I'm coming over here, but really what took you so long, where you and kirsnick kissing on the way home and that's why your late?" she asked with a big smile. Tiara rolled her eyes and flopped back onto her bed.

"I found out that he likes someone, and he's planning on asking them to homecoming." Tiara said as she stared up at the ceiling above her.

"Did he tell you who?" Courtney asked.

"Yeah," Tiara answered. She could feel her heart welling up in her throat, but she knew that she was going to have to answer Courtney's next question even if she did not want to.

"You don't look to happy right now." She said. "Who is it?"

"Destiny," Tiara replied bitterly.

"What?" Courtney asked sounding more disgusted than she was shocked.

"He likes my sister." Tiara said again.

"Are you serious?" Courtney barked.

"I am, and he asked me to help him win her over." Tiara turned round to face the wall behind her bed. Saying it aloud was even worse than thinking it and all she wanted to do was curl up into a ball and disappear. Courtney walked over and leaned over Tiara to look down at her face.

"Are you going to help him?" she asked.

"I have to." she said.

"So, you're going to help your crush of who knows how long win a date with your older sister?" Courtney asked.

"It's not like I want to but-"

"Then why are you?" she asked.

"I'm trying to keep up a charade here." Tiara said. "If I didn't pay the part of a supportive best friend then it would look weird."

"So you're just going to shove your feeling down a hide them for the rest of your life while he finds happiness in the arms of your older sister." Courtney said.

"Assuming that he gets that far," Tiara said.

"And what if he does and they decided to run off together? Then what are you going to do?" Courtney asked.

"He doesn't like me back Courtney, and there is nothing that I can do about that. So why sit around and be miserable when I could just let it go?" she asked. "It's just a stupid crush, not even a big Deal."

"You seem to have made up your mind then," Courtney said.

"It not like I have any other choice." Tiara said before she turned her attention back to the ceiling about her. "After all what are friends for?" 

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