We'll Wait

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Tiara kicked her heels off at the door to the gym before she picked them up and started running. She didn't know exactly where Kirsnick was, but she knew where to start. Lover's lane is where Kirsnick said he wanted to meet Destiny before the dance so that's where she would start looking. The only problem was that to get there she had almost a mile to travel, she was barefoot, and in an evening gown.

"You're so lucky you're my best friend you dummy." Tiara said to herself as she continued to run in the direction of the park. As she ran there was a bright flash of light in the sky and after that she heard thunder start to roll.

"Dammit Kirsnick." Tiara cursed.

She reached the park in less time than she thought it would take, and right as she got there the rain started to pour. Her dress was soaking wet by the time she reached the bridge but when she got there Kirsnick was nowhere in sight.

"Kirsnick! Where are you!?" she yelled as she spun in circles.

"Looking for someone miss?" she turned around to see an old woman standing behind her in a raincoat and holding an umbrella.

"I'm looking for my friend, he's like my height and he would have probably been dressed up-"

"No one like that had been here in hours." she said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really." She replied as she pulled the hood of her raincoat onto her head and held her umbrella out to me with her other hand. "It's not good to walk around in the cold rain. You'll get sick. Hurry and get home."

"Yes ma'am," Tiara replied. She shook her head to refuse the umbrella and started in the direction of her house. She wasn't running now, her dress was already soaking wet and it wouldn't be any less wet if she ran home.

When Tiara got back to her house she went in through the door not really caring that she was soaking wet and walking around in her room. She went straight to the bathroom and changed into some dry cloths. She went back into her room and grabbed her discarded clutch from the spot on the floor where she'd thrown it when she came into the room. She took her phone out and looked it over, by some miracle it was still dry, but when she looked at the screen she saw that she had no new messages or calls.

"I would have called you, but I didn't want you to miss the dance." A voice called from across the room. Tiara walked up behind the same and looked over the back to the other side. Kirsnick was lying across the sofa looking up at her. "You looked nice tonight; you know before the rain and all."

"Have you been here all night?" Tiara asked.

"Yeah," he replied simply. She looked down at his outfit; he was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt.

"So, you didn't go to the dance?" Tiara asked.

"No, I didn't even buy nothin to wear." He said.

Tiara walked around to the other side of the sofa and Kirsnick sat up so that she could sit down. "But you did all of that work, and spent all that money...what about the note?"

"Never gave it to her.

"Why not?" Tiara asked.

"You know that day we went to the store?" he stopped, and Tiara nodded. "When we came back and I unlocked the door you had all the crap in your pockets, papers and receipts and junk."

"Yeah, the shopping list." She said. Kirsnick shoved his hand into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper and handed it to Tiara. She unfolded it and looked at what was inside. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment when she saw the big pink heart with both of their names scribbled inside. She balled up the piece of paper and looked away from him.

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