Everything is gonna change

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Evelyn,Isiah and Finn all sat in the snug of the garrison the two boys drinking whiskey and Evelyn drinking a glass of orange juice.The three were talking and laughing and then the concept of the war came up "They are supposed to be coming home next month" said Isiah "We have been saying that for four years I don't think they are" Finn replied back "When they come back everything is gonna change we won't be able to do anything like this anymore" Evelyn said in a soft tone "ya like Isiah won't be able to try and flirt with you anymore" Finn said.

"Finn shut up we are only messing" Evelyn said to Finn "And what sort of messing are we doing love" Isiah said making him and Evelyn laugh and Finn pull a disgusted face the first time Isiah flirted with Evelyn resulted in him getting a punch to the jaw from Finn and Finn told him "Say that to her again and I'll take your tongue " even though the two are best friends Finn won't hesitate to hit him if he says anything to Evelyn. "Do you think the boys will be the same like look the same and act the same" Evelyn questioned "Probably not I mean we don't look or act the same" Finn said to her "ya and war changes people imagine trying to constantly kill someone and someone trying to constantly kill you" Isiah added.

The two boys seen Evelyn's face change from happy to worried "It'll be alright Ev they will still be your brothers and still be protective as fuck" Isiah said to her Evelyn smiled at the nickname and at his words "oi and if they do change you still have me to beat Isiah up for ya" Finn said making Evelyn laugh even more "it's 9 o'clock I should go home" Evelyn said "ya cmon Poll is gonna kill us" Finn added Isiah stood up first to let Evelyn out of the seat since she was sat between the two boys.The boys put on their coats and caps and headed off .

Walking down watery lane Evelyn stood between the two boys as the they had to 'protect her' which always annoyed her she told them she could protect herself they got to Isiah's house first which was five doors up from theirs Isiah's mum and poll where very good friends but two years into the war she died "See you tomorrow" Isiah told the two "good night" Evelyn told him as he closed the door Evelyn walked home with Finn his arm around her shoulders keeping her warm when they got in it was ten past nine and then they heard a voice "your ten minutes late" Polly said from the kitchen.

"Sorry Poll we weren't watching the time" Finn said to her "Alright go up and get ready for bed" the two teens went up the stairs and went to their separate rooms

"Evelyn get out of bed their coming home" Finn says pulling the covers off Evelyn "I meant it Evelyn their coming home get up" Finn says again to Evelyn who refused to get up Evelyn got out of bed more awake then ever pushing past Finn and running down the stairs "Is he telling the truth aunt poll is he really telling the truth are they coming home"Polly turned to the girl who had a hopeful expression on her face "It's true love their coming home" Evelyn ran into the women's arms that were open for her as the two women hugged they pulled apart and look at each other and smiled.

"Go get ready we will leave in half an hour to go to the train station" Evelyn ran away with a smile on her face that could bring light to the whole of Birmingham.Evelyn rushed to get ready putting on a black skirt that came under her mid thighs a white blouse a grey jacket and a pair of black gloves and shoes to match. Evelyn brushed out her beautiful blonde hair deciding to leave it down and slipping a black headband through it to match her outfit she decided to do a bit of makeup.

When she was finished she could hear Polly shouting from downstairs "cmon Evelyn we are waiting" Evelyn quickly put on a few sprays of perfume "I'm coming aunt poll" Evelyn shouted running down the stairs trying to put on her black gloves "your brothers are gonna have such a shock when they see you lot" Polly said referring to Evelyn Finn and Ada.They walked out of the door feeling the cold air of small heath hit their faces.The cold had made Evelyn's cheeks and nose go a soft pink.
When they had finally made it to the station the trains all started pulling up the group sighed in relief thinking they were too late screams and cheers erupted the station as you could hear families being reunited with each other Evelyn went up on her tiptoes trying to look for the boys but at Evelyn's height it was basically impossible until she heard the screams of Ada she looked over and seen Ada and Finn with the boys Ada's arms around Tommy and Finns around Arthur Evelyn immediately ran for Johns arms holding onto him right trying not to cry John pulled her away as Evelyn looked at him and smiled "fucking hell look at you your not a baby anymore"John said to Evelyn making her laugh which made Arthur look over at her "Fuck look at you wouldn't of even recognised ya if John boy hadn't said"Arthur said pulling Evelyn in for a hug Evelyn held onto him tight but there was only one person on her mind "Tommy" Arthur shouted out pulling Evelyn away from the hug "look at her wouldn't even of recognised her" Tommy looked over at his sister then opened his arms for her to run into which Evelyn gladly did Tommy caressed her head as Evelyn tried to hide from the rest of her family that she was crying Tommy pulled her away and wiped the tears from her eyes as he looked at her and said "I missed u beng" Evelyn smiled at him "I missed you to Tom" Evelyn said as he put an arm around her shoulder and smiled at her "right cmon we didn't come home to just sit about let's celebrate" and with that the family walked down the road to the garrison.Tommy guided the group through the busy crowd into the snug.

"John,Arthur, Jeremiah and I are going to speak to Harry we will be back in a bit don't move" Tommy told Evelyn,Finn and Isiah "Me and Ada are going to the toilet do as your told don't move"Polly said as her and the girl left the room "We won't be able to come here on our own anymore" Finn said "I know we can try and work something out" Isiah said but Evelyn just sighed she was so happy to have her brothers home but she knew nothing would be the same anymore.

⚠️Authors note⚠️
Hi I am so sorry it took so long to get this out but this is my first story so thank you for being so patient I will try and do longer chapters in the future pls tell me in the comments how this is or if you want anything added and I can try my best to get it fitted into the story for you the word count is 1270 but I promise I will start making longer chapters

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