Never safe

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Evelyn woke up in the morning lying in her bed she didn't know how she got there but she guessed one of her brothers carried her up to bed since the last thing she remembered was falling asleep in between Arthur and John with her head resting on Arthur's shoulder.She got up and looked in the mirror with disgust as soon as she seen the deep purple marks on her neck.It all became to much and she picked up the wash cloth from the bowl of water from the night before and started scrubbing at her now red neck.John knocked on her door before walking in the room "Eve aunt Polls made breakfast" John said before he seen his little sister she dropped the cloth and started breathing heavy trying to hold back her tears "come here love" John told her as he took her into his arms that's when Evelyn began to break down "I'm disgusting I feel so used John" Evelyn told him in between sobs "shhh your not disgusting or used" John said trying to calm her down "now cmon Polls gonna have my balls if breakfast goes cold" John said making the girl giggle.The two walked down the stairs Evelyn in front John only a step or two behind her "feeling better this morning eh" Tommy asked the girl who was walking down the stairs Evelyn just nodded her head in agreement "boys were going to the fair get ready Finn go get Isiah" Tommy told them.As the boys walked out of the room Evelyn sat there quietly eating her breakfast "What so your going out on another piss up" Polly said to Tommy "No we are going out on business" Tommy replied to her "some fucking business going to the fair" Polly spat at him Ada then came from down the stairs "sweetheart me and Ada are going out today would you like to come" Polly asked the girl but Evelyn knew where the women were going and it was to get rid off the baby "no thanks aunt poll I told Harry I'd help him clean the pub" Evelyn said "alright just be careful then have one of the boys walk you there before you leave" Polly told her " I will thanks for the breakfast aunt Poll" Evelyn said in a polite tone.

Evelyn had gotten dressed and ready she had finished her hair and done her makeup she just had to go downstairs and get one of the boys to walk her to the pub.She went downstairs and saw Isiah with the rest of the boys. "Isiah walk Eve to the garrison don't be late"Tommy told him "yea alright" Isiah said back "be safe love" Polly told her as she and Isiah were walking out of the door "Thank you for walking me" Evelyn told him "it's alright I'm sorry about yesterday I shouldn't have made you go out and get the drinks" Isiah said with his head down "Isiah it wasn't your fault you have nothing to be sorry about you didn't know that was going to happen" Evelyn told him as they both stopped walking when they made it to the garrison "thank you" She told him before entering the pub.

Warning there's an Sa in this part:

Evening Time :
Evelyn was on her way home from the garrison until she was dragged into an ally way by two men this time.They immediately started trying to strip her clothes of her ignoring her desperate screams.One of the men had ripped the top half of her dress while her ripped cardigan layed on the floor leaving in a bra completely exposed.She screamed for help but no one was around "get off me please I-I did nothing wrong" Evelyn said as she sobbed "Tell Thomas Shelby this is just the start" the man said then Evelyn immediately knew that they were Sabini's men.The other man started to reach up her dress trying to get it off "OI GET THE FUCK OFF HER" Isiah shouted at the two men as he shot one of them while they both ran off the injured one running a lot slower.He then looked over to Evelyn he had seen her dress that had been ripped at the front leaving her completely exposed to him her bra only covering her.Isiah immediately took off his jacket running over to her and putting it around the front of her so no one else would see her "cmon I'll walk you home" Isiah said to her "no no please I can't go home they'll kill me" Evelyn said crying even more now "Eve they won't kill you they just worry sometimes" Isiah said trying to reassure her "please siah just one night"Evelyn asked the boy "Right cmon then you can stay round at mine" Isiah told her Evelyn just gave him a slight smile in response he helped her up with his jacket still draped around her chest.It wasn't a long walk to Isiah's house as he only lived a few houses down from the Shelby's. As Isiah unlocked the door he stepped a side and let Evelyn in "Ladies first" Isiah said in a posh tone making Evelyn giggle.She stepped into the warm house followed by Isiah "my rooms upstairs the first door to the right"Isiah explained to her "I'll be up in a minute I just need to put more wood in the fire"he added quickly after "hey siah" Evelyn said "thank you" she told him "for what" the boy asked her "everything" Evelyn said to the boy as he started to move closer to her.Isiah was now face to face with Evelyn both of them looking into each other's eyes not daring to say a word to break the silence.Isiah lifted up his hand and tucked a piece of hair behind Evelyn's ear as she looked up at him as he lifted her chin up with two fingers and joined their lips together.As the two pulled away Evelyn put her head down trying to hide her face so he wouldn't see her blushing. "Your terrible at hiding things you know" Isiah told her as he lifted her chin up to see her blush pink cheeks Evelyn just giggled in response which resulted in Isiah pulling her back in for another kiss which quickly turned into a make out leaving the two gasping for air as there lips both parted.

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