Basic neccesities need fixing

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An hour later, the door banged open and an extremely tired and annoyed Elder Price stormed into the living room, followed by Elder Mckinley, clinging to the other elder's hand as he struggled to keep up with the taller man's pace.

Elder Price threw himself down onto the couch. "Well that was everything but our problem," he huffed in annoyance.

"It doesn't matter, because we fixed it and it's over now." Elder McKinley sighed and perched on the arm of the couch. "So will you please stop moaning about it."

"But Connorrrr," Elder Price whined, "Why couldn't they sort it out themselves?" In all reality, he knew it wouldn't have been resolved nearly as quickly, or not at all, if they hadn't stepped in to do something. "It was just a water pump," he crossed his arms. "It could have waited until morning."

"Kevin Price!" Elder McKinley snapped. "You very well know that basic necessities, such as a broken water pump, need attending to ASAP!" He practically spat the last words.

Kevin winced. He hadn't meant to irritate the district leader that much. "Con, I'm sorry, I know it's important, it's just a little late..." He said quietly. "And besides, I don't wanna wake everyone up." He smiled a little at Elder McKinley, whose expression had softened slightly. He wrapped his arms around Connor's waist and pulled him down onto the sofa. The shorter Elder smiled and rested his head on Kevin's shoulder.

"Kiss me if you forgive me," Kevin smirked playfully, playing with the top buttons of Connor's shirt

"Hmmm, I'm too tired for that tonight," Connor replied with a sigh, cuddling closer to the other missionary.

"Okay fine," Kevin replied softly, placing a kiss on Connor's cheek. After a while he frowned. "But we should probably sleep on an actual bed Con, I don't think the elders should see us here like this anyway." He stood up and let Connor cling to his torso, supporting him under his knees and back.

"Mhhm sure," Connor mumbled sleepily into Kevin's shirt, as he let the stronger man carry him over to his and Elder Cunningham's room. Kevin laid him down on the bed and collapsed down next to Connor, immediately wrapping his arms around him. "Night," he whispered. "I love you."

"Love you too Kev." Connor replied sleepily.

Within minutes, both of them had already fallen asleep.

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