Act natural

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Meanwhile, that morning the other Elders of district nine had all risen at exactly 6:30 (which was not always the case after their excommunication) and had strategically placed themselves in the living room and the small kitchen, waiting for the three elders to join them for breakfast.

Elders Neeley and Davis were in the kitchen, getting bowls, spoons, milk and boxes of cereals for everyone.

Elder Schrader, Elder Zelder and Elder Michaels were sitting on the couch, pretending to be engaged in a serious conversation about Heavenly Father.

And Elder Thomas and Elder church were near the door to alert the others.

Elder Thomas stirred from his position by the door when he heard footsteps approaching, or more specifically uncoordinated clumsy footsteps.

Elder Cunningham had made sure to 'lead the way' to the living room, determined to get there first.

Sure enough, he entered the living room first, followed by Elder Price and Elder McKinley, who walked side by side, talking about the events from the day before.

Gosh, Connor thought to himself, I am ridiculously tired. He was used to the feeling of tiredness; his nightly hell dreams still hadn't stopped, but this is even more so than normal. He resisted all urges to fall asleep on Kevin right in that moment. Instead, he put on his relentlessly cheerful expression as per usual.

Kevin wearily looked over at Connor and noticed the darker than usual circles under his eyes. He assumed he had dark circles too. He sighed, always a little hot-tempered when he was tired, and all for some stupid pump. Okay, the pump wasn't stupid, he knew Connor would hate him for saying such a thing. He just forced his usual perfect Mormon smile and glanced around the abnormally relaxed atmosphere.

"Morning guys!" Arnold shouted, causing both Kevin and Connor to wince a little.

"Morning Elder," came a mix of other happy greetings from the they elders.

"Ah Elder Cunningham!" Elder Neeley popped his head kitchen door. "I need your assistance with something, could you come in here please?"

"Sure Elder Neeley!" Arnold grinned and dashed off to the kitchen.

Kevin watched Arnold dash off and wondered how he had so much energy.

"Morning Elders," Elder Thomas piped up enthusiastically.

"Morning Elder Thomas," Connor smiled with equal cheerfulness.

All three Elders on the couch turned around to face the newcomers.


"Morning everyone"

"Good morning Elders,"

Kevin and Connor smiled and wearily greeted all the Elders.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Elder Neeley and Elder Davis pulled Arnold aside.

"Act natural," Elder Neeley said.

"Act natural with what...?" Arnold asked, a little confused.

"Elder Price and Elder McKinley," elder Davis. "We think there's something else.... Besides we found a note yesterday...."

Arnold smirked. "A note you say?" He raised his eyebrows. Well he wasn't going to tell them he forged it, and he was totally up for joining in this 'acting'."

"Alright I will," Arnold grinned.

"Great," Elder Neeley said, balancing cereal boxes and bowls on top of eachother.

"Elders!" He yelled. "Breakfast!"

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