Past of us

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alfea and cloudtower do a remember the past festival and two people from both colleges come forward and meet their past self Icy is chosen from cloudtower and bloom is chosen from alfea both step into a room and a portal opens icy's past self is the first to enter she is still smiling bloom thought to herself and the she realises that icy's past self is 12 so her past self would be aswell blooms eyes widen icy looks at bloom and wonders what's the big deal soon blooms past self also comes through the portal but icy does not expect to see this : blooms past self is covered in cuts and bruises and she is wearing a black crop top and torn dark blue jeans her arms are covered in bandages, her left eye is blue and purple , there is blood marks under her nose and she is holding a lit cigarette taking a puff every once in a while icy exclaims what the heck happened to you ?! And blooms past self just shrugs and says got in a fight some kids named Jessica and Jake icy asks why the heck were you in a fight ?! Blooms past was about to answer but instead bloom of the present says because they were hurting Riva who the heck is Riva bloom ?! Bloom of the past says that's my best friend  eventually hours go by and bloom of the past is sitting in a corner so is bloom of the present the two icy's were talking about how much has changed in their life after a little while past icy falls asleep and icy of the present goes to bloom of the present and asks why does your past self have so many scars on her hand ? Bloom answers cause i used to do that alot blooms eyes fill with tears and icy is in shock there are five more hours to the challenge and icy goes up to blooms past and takes the cigarette from her hand and diffuses it bloom of the past exclaims hey ! That was my last one

Bloom's eyes were fixated on her past self, the memories of the pain and torment flooding her mind. She had worked so hard to overcome her struggles with self-harm, but seeing her past self in such a state was triggering.

Icy noticed the change in Bloom's demeanor and approached her. "Bloom, are you okay?" she asked, concern etched on her face.

Bloom blinked away the tears that threatened to spill over and forced a smile. "I'm fine," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

But Icy knew better. She had seen the scars on Bloom's arms before, but she never knew the extent of her pain. She gently took Bloom's hand and saw the faint markings of old wounds. "Bloom," she said softly, "why didn't you tell me?"

Bloom looked down at her feet, shame washing over her. "I didn't want you to see me like that. I didn't want you to think less of me," she admitted.

Icy pulled Bloom into a tight embrace. "I could never think less of you, Bloom. You're so strong, and you've come so far. You don't have to hide anything from me."

Bloom buried her face in Icy's shoulder, tears streaming down her face. "I just feel so weak sometimes," she said, her voice cracking.

"You're not weak, Bloom," Icy said firmly. "You're a survivor. You've overcome so much, and I'm so proud of you."

Bloom looked up at Icy, gratitude and love evident in her eyes. "Thank you," she whispered.

Icy smiled, brushing a strand of hair out of Bloom's face. "Let's get your past self some help," she said, leading Bloom over to her younger self.

Together, the four of them spent the remaining hours of the challenge sharing stories and memories, and Bloom found comfort in Icy's unwavering support. Though the festival had brought up painful memories, it also reminded her how far she had come, and how lucky she was to have someone like Icy by her side.As the final hour of the challenge approached, Bloom and Icy found themselves walking outside with their past selves, still lost in thought about the events of the day. Suddenly, Headmistress Faragonda appeared before them, a warm smile on her face.

"Well done, my dear students," she said. "You have both faced your pasts with courage and resilience. I hope this experience has been a meaningful one for you."

Bloom and Icy nodded in agreement, but Icy spoke up, her tone serious. "Headmistress, I need to talk to you about Bloom's mental health."

Faragonda's expression softened, and she nodded. "Of course, Icy. What is it that concerns you?"

Icy took a deep breath. "Bloom has been struggling with self-harm. I saw the scars on her hand when we were in the past together."

Bloom tensed up, but Faragonda's response was calm and reassuring. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Icy. I will make sure that Bloom receives the help and support she needs."

Bloom looked at Icy with tears in her eyes, grateful for her concern. Icy wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close, and the two of them stood there for a moment, lost in their own thoughts.

As the challenge drew to a close, the group gathered back in the main hall, and Headmistress Faragonda announced the winners. Though Bloom and Icy did not win, they both felt like they had gained something much more valuable than a prize.

As they walked back to their dorm room, Bloom took Icy's hand in hers, feeling a newfound sense of closeness between them. She knew that she had a lot of work to do to heal from her past, but with Icy by her side, she felt like she could face anything.

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