Bloom x icy : jessie

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A/n: attention bitches and Bros and non binary hoes by your high demand bloom and icy angst returns once again!

Icy paced back and forth, her anger boiling within her. She couldn't believe what Bloom had done. Their argument had escalated into a heated exchange of words, and Icy's fury had reached its tipping point. In a fit of rage, she lashed out, her hand connecting with Bloom's cheek in a sharp, stinging slap.

The moment Icy's palm made contact with Bloom's face, a wave of emotions washed over the fiery fairy. Her eyes widened, her body stiffened, and an overwhelming fear consumed her. The sudden impact had triggered a deeply buried memory, one she thought she had left behind.


A shiver ran down Bloom's spine as she relived the traumatic experiences she had endured with her old lover. The physical and emotional abuse inflicted upon her had left scars, both visible and invisible. Her breathing quickened, her heart raced, and she could feel the walls closing in around her.

As Bloom's panic attack took hold, Icy's anger was instantly replaced with concern and regret. She realized the magnitude of her actions, the pain she had unknowingly brought upon someone she cared about deeply. Rushing forward, Icy enveloped Bloom in her arms, offering solace and support.

"I'm so sorry, Bloom," Icy whispered, her voice laced with genuine remorse. "I didn't mean to hurt you like that. Please forgive me."

Bloom's eyes were filled with tears as she clung to Icy, desperately seeking comfort and security. Through her haze of panic and fear, she managed to nod weakly, understanding that Icy's anger had stemmed from their argument, not a desire to harm her.

Gently, Icy guided Bloom to a nearby couch, cradling her in her arms. She softly stroked Bloom's hair, trying to calm her racing heartbeat and alleviate the anxiety gripping her. Icy's touch was soothing, grounding, and Bloom gradually started to regain control of her breathing.

"You're safe, Bloom," Icy murmured, her voice filled with tenderness. "I'm here for you. Always."

As the panic attack subsided, Bloom looked up at Icy through tear-filled eyes, her vulnerability laid bare. She could see the sincerity in Icy's gaze, the remorse etched across her features. Despite the pain, a flicker of trust remained within Bloom's heart.

Icy leaned in, her lips softly brushing against Bloom's forehead. The gentle kiss conveyed both an apology and a promise. It was a silent vow to protect, cherish, and heal the wounds of the past.

"I love you, Bloom," Icy whispered, her voice trembling with sincerity.

Bloom's tears gave way to a mixture of emotions—pain, relief, and the spark of hope. She understood that healing would take time, but in Icy's embrace, she found the strength to face her past and the courage to build a brighter future.

Together, they embarked on a journey of healing, where the scars of the past would be mended, and love would triumph over pain.

A/n: thank you guys for your encouraging comments you guys I love y'all i really do

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