Naill horan x reader (im so sorry)

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"Hey babe" a deep voice echoed in the room, there was only on voice that could be like that
"Hey baby" I chuckled "how was you day?" I turned around looking up at his deep eyes...
" the studio was tiring" he sighed "I wish I had you in my arms" she said while going to hold me.
Butterflies swarmed in my stomach
"Do you wanna hang out later Niall?" I asked politely
"I really missed you" I whispered under my breath..
"I would love to hang out but my Amelia is waiting for me.." he said sadly.
I never understood why we had to keep our relationship a secret why dosent he just dump his girlfriend it would be better than being his side chick...

"Why is it always about Amelia?" I cried "why can't it be about me for once? She dosent even look that pretty" I screamed. Then I felt a cold hand hit my face. "Don't say that again. I will not have you disrespect my girlfriend" I stood in shock as I gently corresed the mark on my cheek.. "wh-" suddenly I felt his hand push me up to the wall. His hand on my neck gripping tightly.

"Listen to me, no talking back or else you will be dead..." his Irish accent killed me. All I could do was agree "yes Niall" I said softly as he let go of my neck "now let's go clean you up and then go to bed okay?" His stern tone suddenly turned soft. It one of the things that made me live him... I nodded slowly and got up, looking at the floor. He picked up my chin and chuckled "you look so cute when your vunrable" I couldent help but she's a tear. Why don't I leave? Why do I still love him...

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