Broken heart

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I've been dating Brooke for a while, for about 3 years to be exact. She makes me smile everyday and when I come home I take a deep breath in to remind me that I'm dating the most wonder full girl in the world. I like to get her flowers and spend time and today we're going on a date and I'm very excited haha.

Date night...

"Hey Brooke!" I said with a big grin
"Oh hey" she said quietly...
"Is there something wrong, is everything okay?" I asked
"Oh nothing I'm good, let's just go have dinner" she stated sternly..
We walked in to the restaurant but as we were getting booked I felt a bit parched, I guess I was thirsty... we sat down at the table and we're given some water. I took a sip to refresh but as I brand my cup down I saw a bit of blood in my water... and all of a sudden I felt like I was going to throw up..
"Excuse me... I need to go to the bathroom" I rushed
Brooke just looked down at the menu ignoring me...

After I managed to get into a stall I immediately started throwing up, but it Wasent normal instead I saw flowers... it was just all blood and flowers I moved back in shock. What was going on?! As tears filled my eyes, I heard a knock on the door.. it was Brooke ...
"Y/n? Are you in there" her soft voice echoed
Tears filled in my eyes and my voice became shacky... "I-I'm fine just ate some weird food"
"Go back to dinner I'll be there soon n a moment" I said firmly.. I moved closer to the toilet bowl looking at the puddle of flowers and deep red blood. I grabbed my phone out and immediately booked a doctors appointment because somthing was not right.. after I was finished I flushed, washed my hands and calmed myself down before walking back to the dinner table..

During dinner it gradually got worse I started coughing quite a lot with blood and flower petals coming out onto the napkin.. and Brooke was distant with me... constantly on her phone chuckling to the videos.. every single time she chuckled it got a bit more harder to breath... and as she chuckled one more time I chocked... on my own blood... I was surrounded by people trying to help, but I was laying in my chair head back mouth dripping down with deep red blood and red roses it was over filling my mouth I couldent breath... finnaly someone turned my head down so I Wasent chocking on my blood, but I still couldent breath so much blood was coming out, it was like a water fall with rose petals and rose thorns going through it..and by the time the ambulance got there I was lashed out on the floor the blood finally stopped but my clothes were soaked.. and you would think that Brooke would care well, she looked at me with a mix of disgust and fear as I was about to pass out and that's when I came to the realisation that she didn't love me.. and that I was dying.. of hanahaki disease.. as I closed my eyes tears filling it as I took my last breath of air I muttered "I love you brooke"...

I woke up in the hospital and then they told me they removed the flowers and thorns.. and that I was going to live! The told me I had been suffering for 3 months now but I never realised because it was growing and it only came out in coughs the past think they told me was I could never love agian..
Tears filled my eyes and I tried to wrap my head around the idea of never loving again...

After discovering I can never love again I lost hope in life and tried multiple times to end it all... every single time I failed... eventually I realised I he'd to wait for the sweet relief of death and that while I wait I should suck my life into work... I decided to make me feel a bit more better by adopting a dog, because I may not be able to love a human again but I may love my dog... named "brooke"

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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