Chapter 1

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Stelle POV:

I wake up at around 6:23, just enough time to get ready and make lunch. So I get up from my bed with a groan and stumble into the bathroom to brush my teeth and comb my hair. Just as I am getting ready I finally hear my brother Caelus yawn loudly as he walks into the bathroom poking me and telling me to get out.

"Caelus I barely got done! Stop poking me it hurts!" I responded to his non-stop poking. "But you take so longgggg we're gonna be lateee." He groans. I give him an annoyed face and spit the toothpaste and grab a comb and walk out. "Hey! I need that!" He states "Should've told me that earlier. I hear one final groan before he brushes his teeth in defeat and I start to prepare our lunches. As I do I check my phone to see the weather.


"Hey bro?" "Yeah??" He responds back. "Do we have any umbrellas?" I pray that we do. "Uh I think they might be in the closet or something." Lets hope they are. I finish the lunches and set them on the table to check the closet. "Ah crap.." Theres only one.. Caelus is finally done after what feels like an eternity and looks at what i'm doing "Theres umbrellas right?" "Yep but theres only one.." Caelus looks at me "Its okay you can have it." he states. "Caelus no you have it." "but-" "no buts."

Timeskip to 7:42

I'm all soggy and finally make it to school. I'm greeted by a familer face I always seem to see when i'm practicing. "Ah, hello Stelle! You okay?.." March.. "Yeah, I didn't have an extra umbrell-" I'm than pumbeled by my brother's hug. "Lil' sis stop being so stuborn I literaly offered my umbrella FIVE times and you denied saying 'I'm finneee'" "Geez geez, i'll stop I promise just eh- get off me!" I then hear March giggle. I feel my face start to get hot.

March POV:

I giggle at the sight of Stelle bonding with her brother. "Stelle, you know you should be less stuborn, you're more stuborn than Danheng!" I suddenly see her face get redder and redder by the second. I start to panic a little "S-stelle are you ok you're really red!" I touch her face to feel her tempature. She holds my hand as I start to inch closer to her face, which makes my heart flutter, "I-i'm okay! I just got a little red from SUFACATING FROM MY BROTHER'S HUG!!" "GEEZ I get the hint!" The two siblings bicker at one and another. But at this point i'm just focused at Stelle holding my hand that I decide to break the tension.

"Stelle.." "Hm?" She responds back, "C-can you let go of my hand." She stares for a moment trying to process what I said and it clicks, "O-oh i'm sorry!" "Its... Fine!" I look up from the ground, "Does Stelle have a little girlfriend?" Caelus teasingly says and Stelle just hits him in the chest with a loud 'Uf!' in response.


I wouldn't mind that much..


The Cheerleader & the Baseball Player(Stelle x March 7th) (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now