Chapter one

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Our story begins in 2024 at the University of California, Los Angeles, also known as ucla. One of the students Stella Jones and her best friend Axel Hutson were applying for one of ucla's programs, engineering at sea. I know you might be asking me, what is engineering at sea? Well i'm here to tell you, engineering at sea is a program for college students at ucla who want to build robots or with them. It's been Stella's dream to build robots ever since she was 8 and seen all the cool robots people made on tv and at conventions. It wasn't Axles' dream but the idea of working with robots and doing it with his best friend now that's a dream.

As Axel walks up to Stella he says "hey stella any news from EAS '' by the way EAS is engineering at sea."no, but i will keep trying, how about you any news." Before Axel can say anything he gets nervous "uh no" he says to stella. Just to inform you Axel did in fact get into eas he just didn't want to tell stella sence she didn't get in yet, "don't stress about it we still have a month left." says Axel. "ya i know but im scared,what if i don't get in." says stella. "Don't worry Stella, I'm absolutely sure you will get in." says axel. "Ok I guess." says stella.

Three weeks later

As Stella walks into the coffee house, Axel can tell she is happy about something. "Oh I see a smile, what are you so happy about, wait did you get news from EAS." says axel. "No, but guess whose parents are coming to visit." says Stella, all excited. "Oh my god stella that's amazing." says axel as he jumps out from behind the counter to give stella a hug. "Ya i know i haven't seen them in two years i can't wait."says stella with excitement on her face. If you're wondering why Stella hasn't seen her parents in two years let me explain. Stella and her family are from Toronto, Canada, so it's kind of hard for her parents to visit her down in la. So when Stella decided to move to la to go to ucla, She and her parents knew that if she moved it would be hard to visit but her parents were willing to make that sacrifice so that Stella could go to a good college, but they promised to try and come visit at least once. "When are they coming?" says axel."Later today, like around 3ish, I can't wait, and this will be the first time yall meet." says stella. "Ok well do you want anything?" says axel. "No, I'm good, I'm not hungry." "Stella, you need to eat something." says axle. "I will later. I'm not hungry right now, I'll eat, I promise."

"So how about you, heard from your parents lately."says stella. "No but what does it matter? They abandoned me, I have a better life without them than I did with them. They were bad parents and horrible people." says axel. "Ya, but what if they call, you just ignore them?" Stella askes axle. "Ya, but do you know how long i waited for my parents to come home or at least call?!" Axle says " I was only 7 when my parents abandoned me, I was left to fend for myself. I learned to cook at the age of 8, the only time they would come home is when the neighbors would get suspicious and CPS would come. Finally at the age of 10 I was put in foster care. Ok but enough about me, still no news from EAS?" Axle says. "Yep still none"

Stella is interrupted as a text notification goes off on Stella's phone "well see u later got to go pick up my parents from the airport there about to land, i'm so excited" stella says with excitement on her face. Stella leaves the coffee house and gets in her car to head to the airport. She tries to start the car but it wont start. Stella gets out of the car and runs back into the coffee house. "Hey, can I borrow your car or can you drive me to the airport?" she asked. "I can drive you there if you want." "Sure, thank you so much, you are a lifesaver."she said, relieved. "Let me go check out and get my keys and we can go." "Ok, sounds good, I'll meet you in the front."she said walking to the front door. Stella walks out as she gets a text on her phone from her mom. *hey honey we landed just wanted to tell you.* her mom texted. Axle pulls up with the car with the window down. "Hey hurry up and get in or do you want your parents to wait." "I'm coming jeez." she tells him as she walks around the car. "Ok so what do you wanna listen to?"he asked, looking over at her."It doesn't matter whatever is on." "Ok sounds good." Axle reaches out to the radio and tries to turn it on but it won't turn on. "Huh that's weird it never does this." he said as he kept on trying to turn the radio. "It's ok we don't have to listen to music, the airport is close by." she says. 

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter please put your opinions so I can know what y'all think

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