Chapter Two

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About 15 minutes later they pull up to the airport. "What term are they at so I can park close?" "my mom said they were at term 11 but they are sitting in the section c seating lounge." she said checking her phone to make sure she didn't miss anything. "Ok i think that sign says section c."he said in a quistining way "Yeah it does it says section c".she told axle. They get out of the car and walk in the airport. "Over there is the seating lounge but there's a gift shop right there we can get some stuff from." she says looking at Axle "Fine 5 minutes in the gift shop then we have to go." "Yes haha you are very easy to convince." "I am not." "Yes you are." "whatever you say." Axle said in a sarcastic way. "Stay right here." she told him.

About 3 minutes later Stella comes out with a big bag full of stuff Axle knows she won't need. "What did you get!?" Axle said. "Not much, I got me a shirt and a bear and I got you something so see I'm nice." "Oh no, what did you get?"he said. "I got you a shirt, see." Stella said as she pulled a shirt out of the bag. "Im the dumb friend, really let me guess your shirt says im the smart friend." he said. "Yep it sure does." she said. "Ok then who is the bear for?" "It's for Zeus of course." "That dog is spoiled" he told Stella "No he is not i just think he needed the bear." she said knowing he didn't need the bear. "Yes he is, every time you go to the store or a store you have to get him something." he said. Stella knew her dog was spoiled, she just didn't want to admit it. "Ok whatever lets go get my parents." "Sounds good." he agreed.

As the two walked over to the seating lounge Stella spotted her parents. They walked over to them as Stella's parents spotted them. "Hey mom, hey dad, how was the plane ride?" " It ran smoothly." Stella's dad said. "What did you get already?" Stella's mom said noticing the bag in her hands. "She insisted on stopping at the gift shop." axle responded. "And who might you be?" Stellas mom asked Axle. "Mom, this is Axle Hutson, he's my friend and roommate I told you about." Stella said, introducing Axle. "Nice to meet you Mrs and Mr jones." he said, shaking their hands. "Do yall wanna go get lunch?" "Sure, sounds good mom." she said. "Axle, would you like to join us?" she asked. "Yes ma'am thank you for asking." he responded

The group goes to the car "after you ms jones" Axle says taking Mrs jones hand and helps her in the car. "Would me to put the roof down?" Axle asked. "It doesn-" "roof down." Mr jones interrupts. "Roof down it is." Axle asks looking at stella "Its up to them they are the guest, What would yall like?" "i want some kind of chinese food." Stellas mom says. "Sounds good to me, I like chinese." axle responds. "A man of amazing taste, i like that." Mr jones says giving a fist bump to Axle.

After about 20 minutes of Stellas dad and Axle talking about music. By the way Axle is a music major so he kind of out showed him but thats not important. While Stella's dad and axle are talking Stella gets a text on her phone from her mom

Soooo are you and this axle guy dating

MOM no I told you already that we are just friends I promise you would be the first one to know if I was

Ok I was just asking but do you like him (winky face emoji)

Ewww no that's my best friend mom he's like the brother I never had

Well if you have any thing you wanna talk about that includes boys just know I'm right here just one call or text away

I don't think I wanna talk about boys with my mom

Stella turns around and gives her mom a look like really. "We're here one of the best Chinese restaurants in the area" axle says as he parks in to a parking spot. The group walks in to the restaurant, when they reach the counter a young lady greets them "Hi welcome to king city how many people will be with you?" She asks "Four adults please and thank you" Stella tells the young lady "would y'all like a booth or table?" "Booth is good." Stella says look at the group. "Ok follow me

The group follows as they make their way to the booth. "Ok here's y'all's booth your waitress or waiter will be with you shortly." She says before walking away. "So axle are you gonna be going on that EAS thing?" Mr jones asks. "Yes sir I will be Im not that big Into engineering but I do like robots." "Well i know y'all will have fun." Soon after Mr jones finishes his sentence a waiter walks up "Hi my name is Daniel I will be your waiter for today, what kind of drinks can I get you?"

"A water is fine." Says Ms jones. Shortly after Mr jones says "a coke please." "A sprite, thank you." Axle joins in the conversation "Make that two cokes, and why do I feel like I know you from somewhere, what school do you go to?" Axles asked. "I currently go to UCLA but I used to got to a high school in Nevada called Mountain View high." Daniel says "No way I went to Mountain View and I go to ucla. Wait Daniel, Daniel Wiggs no way it's me Axle Hutson I didn't know you went to UCLA I thought you were going to NYC?" Axle says while in shock. "Well I got a email one day from UCLA saying that i was given a full ride scholarship for baseball so I took it cause why not it's a full ride free classes, housing, and more."

Ok so before we continue this little conversation let me explain how these two know each other. So axle and Daniel were best friends from the age of 5 to 17. Well things took a turn when axle started to notice something's and was afraid of what his best friend would think. Until one night after a start of the school year party for junior year, they we're laughing and talking all drunk until Daniel said "hey do you ever think of us as something different?" Axle looks at Daniel head tilted. "What do you mean by that?" "You know like something more." Axle caught in to what he meant "do you mean like boyfriends? I didn't think you were gay." He tells Daniel. Axle wanted to admit right then and their that he did think of them like that a had feelings for him but didn't. "Well I mean I don't think I'm a gay but I definitely know I like you. Do you like me?" Then axle freezes. " I mean yea kind of I guess. But why didn't you say-" he's interrupted by Daniel putting his hands to his cheeks and pulling his face towards him, locking his lips to axles. Theirs more to that story but we won't go in to details.

Well the next day the two wake up at Daniels house in his room "so what are we?" Daniel asked "i dont know. I mean we could date?" Axle says hoping that what happened last night wasn't a drunk thing. "I'm fine with that but can we keep it a secret for now?" "Yea I'm fine with that."

Fast forward to the end of senior year the two are still together but aren't public to everyone just close friends. The two got in to a fight over long distance and if it would work. Let's just say it lead to them breaking up and not talking after that.

But back to the present, after the two finish talking Stella turns to axle. "How do you know him?" She asked. "Well we were best friends from the age of 5 to 16 then we ended up dating till the end of the school year. We broke up cause we were gonna be on two different sides of the states, but now it seems like we're not." Axle explains. "Wait wait wait you're gay, I didn't know this why didn't you tell me." Stella says. "Well I'm bi and I didn't really think I needed to say something I thought you already knew." Axle sates. "Stella he's a music major you really didn't know he was bi?" Mr jones say trying not to laugh. "NO i didn't know, wait dad how did you know?" "I mean it's kind of obvious, but let's put that to the side for now."

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