Proposal? P2

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Alastors POV:
I smile warmly as Angel slowly wakes up. He sits up in my lap and yawns, rubbing his eyes and stretching his arms. "Well, good morning to you as well, Mon Ange."

"G'mornin', Mio Bambino." Angel replies with a smile as he places a kiss to my lips. I seperate our lips with a loving smile, "Angel, would you like to go on a date with me?"

He smiles widely and nods eagerly. "Yeah! What should I wear?"

"Somewhere between Casual and Formal, maybe a skirt or something." Angel gives me a quick nod. "What time?"

I check the clock on the wall.

"Twenty minutes."

"AL, YA COULDA' GIVEN ME MORE TIME!" He yells as he gets off of my lap and running upstairs. "Sorry, my love! You were so comfortable as you slept, I couldn't bring myself to wake you." I say as I snap my fingers, my suit becoming black and red.
Angel's POV:
I quickly find a pink skirt with a black turtleneck. I slip on some black an' pink stockings then my boots along with da' necklace Al gave me. I put on the skirt and turtleneck an' brush my hair. I apply mascara an' eyeliner.

I look at myself in da' mirror.

Fůčķïņğ fåţ姧.

I shake my head an' admire myself in da' mirror. "Lookin' good, Angie." I softly say to myself before leavin' my room and shuttin' da door. "Are you ready, dearest?" Alastor asks with a lovey-dovey look on his face. I nod an' follow him out of da' hotel. He holds my hand an' guides me ta' a hill.

Hells Peak.

"Please wear this, Mon Amour." Alastor asks as he holds up a blindfold, I nod an' wrap it around my head.

He guides me until we stop walkin'. He takes off da' blindfold, I open my eyes an' smile.

A perfect view of hell with a picnic blanket an' tons of pastries, food an' wine.

"Al, it's so pretty. Thank ya." I whisper with a smile. "Of course, my love. You deserve the best of the best." He replies as he sits down with me on the blanket. He takes two glasses an' pours wine inta' them.

He hands one to me an' I take a small sip, then I stare at the view. "It's breathtakin'." I say with a smile.

"It may be breathtaking, but I think that you are much more breathtaking then it." I blush, "Oh shut it." I joke.

He smiles.

After a few minutes of talkin', jokes, dad jokes, an' eatin' food. He grabs my hand an' helps me get up.

He gets on one knee an' my eyes widen.

"Anthony Lorenzo Ragini, you are the love of my life, the love of ,y afterlife. I cannot ask for anything more then to be by your side, holding you and loving you. I want to shower you with affection and make you happy. You have made me the luckiest and the happiest demon in all of hell. So, with that being said..."

He takes out a black Velvet box and holds it out, opening it. Inside of the box is a soul ring.

"Anthony, will you grace me with your love, your affection, your smile and marry me?"

I try my hardest not ta' cry because the mascara an' eyeliner were thirty dollars but I fail an' smile. "Fuck yes! Yes, I'll marry ya! I'll bind my fuckin' soul ta' ya! My answer is yes!" I cheerfully yell as I hug him an' kiss him.

He kisses me back an' smiles as he puts da' ring on my finger.

"I love ya so fuckin' much.."

"I love you more, my darling.."

We end our sentences in one passionate, lovin' kiss.

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