22. What happened last night?

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I opened my eyes to an unknown place. My head feels heavy and painful. I slowly sat up in bed and looked around. Where am I? I looked down and noticed I'm wearing a shirt that i could wear ass a dress. I got out of bed and walked into the private bathroom. There was a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner and moisturiser in a bag. Kind of like the one you take when traveling. Seriously, where am I?

I got into the shower. Warm water running down my face. This is helping my headache. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I walked out into the bedroom and realised clothing on the corner of the bed. How did i not notice that before? The top is mine, but the jeans aren't. I walked out of the room and downstairs.

'Morning' I jumped.

'Oh shi-... Morning' My heart started pounding out of my chest. This is his place? Mr. Davidson's home? Alex's house? Holy crap.

'How are you feeling?' He asked.

'Not great'

'You should eat... Come' I followed him into the kitchen. He made eggs, hash browns and toast. Yum. 'Ill get you something to help the hangover' He walked off. I am so embarrassed. 'Here. Take it after you eat' He ordered.

'Did you... bring me here?' I asked softly.

'I had no choice... You were asleep and i don't know where you live. So. I brought you here' He said as he leant over the kitchen bench.

'And gave me travel luxury?' He chuckled.

'Im a little OCD. I have those around in case... Well, things like this happen... Unexpected visitors'

'And... Got me into bed?'

'That wasn't so easy. You did keep running away' He smiled. I looked away. 'I didn't undress you though. You did that yourself, after I left' I let out a sigh of relief.

'Thank you' He pushed the plate of eggs closer to me.

'Its fine' I took a few bites, as did he.

'What happened last night?'

'What didn't happen last night'

'Was that sarcasm?' I had to ask. Im a little worried.

'Do you remember anything? Anything at all?'

'Everything up until I started dancing' He huffed in relief. Is there something that happened? 'Why?'

'Just asking' He took a bite of his hash brown.

'I remember a bin? For some reason' He let out a little laugh. 'What? Whats so funny?'

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