27. Date who?

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For the past week, Alex has been texting me and calling me. I haven't replied to anything. I don't want to speak to him after what happen last week. Anyway, its our last day of school... Officially. And I, have a date with Jake this Friday night. He asked me out when we left the club and I'm about to give him a chance. He is sweet and I never really looked at him in a way thats more than friends, but i guess things can change... Right? 

Graduation is just around the corner and I haven't decided what hair style would look great with my dress and I still haven't found shoes! Well, we do still have just less than a month. Should be plenty of time. 


'Alright guys. Its the last day, lets be productive' The class laughed along with Alex. Ergh. Whatever. 'Whats happening is you guys have the day to yourselves. Clean out your lockers, write on tops or whatever you kids do these days. You can't leave the Year 12 building though.... Alright. Go' He laughed. He's trying to be the 'cool teacher'. As all the students got up and started chatting and squealing and whatever. I sat at my desk, writing up my speech for next weeks 'orientation' thing, or whatever you'd call it. 

'Hey you' Jake said sweetly as he sat next to me. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. We are getting close. Not lip close... But close. 

'Hi' I said smiling... A little too much. 

'What are you still doing sitting here?' He asked as he put his arm around my chair. 

'I have to finish my speech... Im doing this thing for the lower year levels' He smiled and stared. Deep into my soul. 'What?' I laughed.

'Nothing... You're just... Nothing' He avoided finishing his sentence. 'Ill let you go so you can finish... Find me later?' 

'Sure thing' He gave me another kiss on the cheek and walked off. And, of course, someone had something to say. 

'You've got a boyfriend now' Alex stated as he walked over to my desk.

'Jake?' I let out a little laugh 'No...' He sat on the desk right in front of me 'Why do you care?' I asked rudely.

'I never said I did' 

'Then don't ask about it' I snapped. He just watched me. 

'Whats wrong, Avery? Whats happened?' I shut my laptop and swung my bag over my shoulder as I stood. 

'I have to go' 


'So... Thats it?' Maddie asked as she handed me the boxes. 

'Nothing was really going on anyway. Look, I don't even know what was happening between us. I guess, I just needed the attention and he needed a rebound' Maddie laughed. 

'You're joking! You guys are so into each other, Its like trapping air into a balloon. Doesn't come out until some person come around and pops it' Maddie made up some weird metaphor. 

'Well, the chick he hooked up with popped that balloon' 

'Avery! He obviously did it to make you jealous! You were in Jakes arms, did you stop to think how he felt when he saw that?' I actually didn't. I stayed silent, she knows she is right and here is no point arguing. 'And besides. Graduation is soon and I'm going to sparkle some magic' 

'Oh my god, Maddie, don't you dare ruin my night!' 

'And if I make it better?' 

'If you get involved with what happens between him and I... I will seriously not speak to you' I wasn't joking. I don't want anything to happen with him. We both deserve to be with someone who we can go out with and hold hands or have dinner together, in public. Not to mention what has happen before is illegal. Im just done with him and the situation. It took me a mystery girl in a club to realise it.

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