Chapter Twenty Three: Trial of the Decade

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The interim head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement had left Eleanor with a much larger headache than she intended to bargain with. However, she couldn't complain because it was Minister Wilhelmina's son Ignatius.

Following her grand speech to her new department this morning made something click within Eleanor.

As she strode down the dark tiled Ministry hallways with her chin up, the grief had subsided— everything had subsided within her. If it wasn't for James then it was for herself because she would be damned if she let this investigation that has tore through her life slip through her fingers.

Two tall, dark oak doors awaited her and as did two security officers whose mildly surprised looks did not go unnoticed.

"The Minister requested my presence for a meeting?" Eleanor said, trying to sound more certain.

They nodded, their eyes immediately shielding away under their caps as they bowed their heads and opened the doors. Had she really become so terrifying?

Eleanor swallowed hard, a knot forming in her stomach as she entered into the luxurious office of Wilhelmina Tuft. It wasn't the first time she's been here by any means, however, the gravity of recent events felt suffocating in here as she walked up a small ledge to sit in the chair facing her desk. She could sense the sorrow the Minister felt, her hair as dark as the desk before her and eyes sullen as she looked at Eleanor. She didn't want to say the first words because she was terrified at the precedent her true tone would set; she meant business today.

"Eleanor, I have to say, it is a pleasure to have your face back in these halls." Wilhelmina sighed, a weak and tired laugh passing through her lips.

Eleanor wouldn't deny she felt relieved knowing that someone wasn't scared of her and a faint smile appeared on her lips.

"A week was too long, Wilhelmina. I'm ready to get back into things. Colin's position sure is a handful of an upgrade to handle." she sighed.

"I hope my son didn't leave you too much of a mess."

Eleanor shrugged. "It's not bigger than the one Colin left behind."

The Minister seemed to shudder at her words, leaning back in her chair with exasperation as her near crystal eyes averted to the ceiling.

"Everything changed so quickly."

Eleanor fumbled with her fingers in her lap, flashes of vague memories that seemingly blurred already crossed her mind. It was quick. Months of no progress only to have it all explode in their faces seemingly overnight. No amount of days spent mulling it over could make it sit any easier.

"And it's my fault."

Caught off guard by Wilhelmina's confession, Eleanor's back straightened just a little.

"Wilhelmina, no it—"

"It was, Eleanor and I feel that I can speak freely with you not just as a woman but as someone who had tried to tell me for so long that this wasn't going the way it was supposed to..." she said.

In the bright accent lighting the room carried, Eleanor caught a glimpse of her glossy eyes and something within her chest coiled and she had to fight back the release of emotion that crept upwards. She couldn't cry today, she had already cried so much.

"There was no tangible evidence. My gut feeling could not convince an entire council and perhaps I was selfish in thinking I could."

Wilhemina dryly chuckled, shaking her head.

"You could have had that case closed months ago had I not been so blinded by Colin Ludwick."

Something about hearing his name out loud made it harder for Eleanor to hide back her own tears.

The Last Drop |Tom Riddle|  Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon