Chapter 1

42 0 4

(bf/n) = best friends name

(y/n) = your name 


 "(y/n) come downstairs!" my mom yelled, making me jump because it was a Saturday, and I had nothing to do today besides just sitting in my room and listening to music. i got dressed and went to the living room where she was sitting down with a smile plastered on her face before she started to speak. "So, we're moving! There's this new girl I met, and she has a son your age," she said, i knew what she was hinting at, but i didn't want to move! i was happy here and had lived here my whole life! "Okay, that's great and all, but why are we moving," i said, curious about what her response would be. She used to move all the time when she got a friend in a new place but i always ended up staying with one of my friends, (bf/n) but they and I recently stopped talking, mainly because they moved far away. So i decided to ask all of my friends and they all said no.

I sighed and asked the question she was waiting for, "Where are we moving then?" she giggled, "Well she works at this apartment building and-" she said, trailing off again. "Just get to the point," i reminded her, "Well, we're moving into addison apartments in 4 days, so pack your things and say your goodbyes," she said while smiling.


im a new writer, so constructive criticism is 100% wanted so leave a comment also this might be slow to produce because i suck at writing and my friend asked me to write this because apparently there is so lore accurate stories and i still need to finish the game so tell me what to do next and give me criticism please 🙏🙏🙏

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