S2: Terra

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The sun gradually brightening against a black screen. When the view is fully illuminated, we see a rocky landscape, with outcroppings on either side of a broad canyon. It is not long after sunrise. Tilt down slightly to an overhead view of a large scorpion racing toward the first bend, then cut to a close-up of a young girl who runs as if trying to beat the devil in the hundred-yard dash.

Seen from the shoulders down, she is very thin, with spindly arms and legs, and roughly the same age as the Titans. Her clothing consists of denim shorts, a light gray long-sleeved shirt, and a dark gray crop top with black sleeves over this. Her hair is long, blond, and straight, and she wears thick brown leather gloves and hiking boots. This is Terra.

The camera shifts to frame all of her from behind; this shot reveals that she is heading toward the shore of Jump City Bay and Titans Tower. A butterfly-shaped hair clip can now be seen over her right ear. She turns to look over her shoulder as the pursuer's shadow falls over her, revealing large, light blue eyes that broadcast her fear quite clearly. The scorpion has nearly closed the gap and works its mandibles in anticipation of a meal.

As Terra charges ahead, the giant tail is lifted for a strike; it comes down inches from her and throws her off balance. She skids across the ground and rubs her head, finding that her hair clip has been knocked loose to fall nearby. As she reaches for it, that enormous stinger punches into the dirt and again just misses her; she is off and running in an instant, with the creature giving chase.

Now she swerves to avoid an outcropping, which is destroyed by a sweep of the scorpion's claws, and vaults over a lower formation to keep ahead. She runs flat out, and the camera cuts to an overhead view and pans quickly ahead to her, then farther ahead to show a dead end not too distant. Cut to it; she stops at the wall of rock and turns to find the beast's shadow falling over her. She cowers against the sheer face as the scorpion prepares to lunge.

However, it looks up instead, and the camera tilts up quickly to the ledge on one side of the canyon. Robin leaps down onto it from above. A quick flash of the sun as the camera pulls back, and the other five Titans have joined him there; Beast Boy has become a wolf.

Robin: Titans! Go!

Before any of them can move, though, a tremor shakes the ground. Cut to Terra, whose eyes are now glowing yellow and whose mouth has assumed a cruel smile; her hair blows all around her. The rock beneath the Titans' feet begins to crack and shift, and one end of a natural bridge across the canyon breaks loose and is lifted into the air.

Pan to the other side to show that end pulling free as well. Pull back to ground level; she raises her hands and groans with the effort as the slab goes higher and higher. Now her hands are glowing as well: this is her own particular superpower at work. Finally, she brings them down, and the rock drops squarely on top of the scorpion to crush it flat. One final tail spasm and scream of pain, and the thing falls silent.

Terra placidly pushes the hair back from the right side of her face, where it has fallen forward due to the lost clip. Starfire looks down from her midair viewpoint confusedly.

Starfire: She was not in trouble.

Pull back to frame Robin, Cyborg and Raven.

Cyborg: She was leading it into a trap!

Pan to Mason.

Mason: Question is...

Beast Boy takes human form.

Beast Boy: ...Who is she?

Long overhead shot of Cyborg and Beast Boy; tilt up to a dark fissure in the side of the rock face behind them. Slade steps out of this and looks down on the scene. He has replaced the mask and armor that were damaged at the end of "Apprentice."

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