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She woke up to his handsome face.
She felt a moment of shock grip her and then she smiled.
His beloved Ray.
Last night…Oh god, last night was absolutely unbelievable.
She spent the next few minutes staring at his face. Replete in slumber, he looked younger. Yes, she could call him cute in his sleep. So cute she could take a sleep-selfie of him and brandish it all over social media, proclaiming her new territory with a caption like: This cutie is my boyfriend. My lover. MINE! MINE ALONE! She would even add a hashtag to be super-clear: #BackOffBitches!
She was so proud of him. And she was so happy for them, that they were finally together. Like this. No longer stepsiblings.
Lovers, at last.
She grinned. How awesome was that.
What would they talk about when he woke up? Would it be awkward? Or would they slide into their new relationship like perfect chemistry? She really hoped for the latter.
Then she caught sight of her image on the wall mirror beside the bed.
Her eyes widened in horror at the rat’s nest she saw.
Her hair!
Her breath!
He couldn’t wake up to this hot mess!
She carefully slithered from under him and got up from the bed. Her muscles protested. She could feel the soreness between her legs.
But she smiled in remembrance. They’d only made love once and they both fell asleep peacefully in each other’s arms.
It was indescribable. She couldn’t come with an apt word to describe what happened to them last night. She would need his help for that. They’d have fun describing it.
After slipping into her clothes and picking up her tattered panties which she found on the floor, she tiptoed her way out of his suite and dashed to hers. She would take a bath and order breakfast for them. She would return in a short while to his bed and that was how he’d wake up to her— beautiful and fresh like morning sunshine, with a tray of delicious breakfast. He would then think, “there’s my hot girlfriend and future wife.”
Yes! She high-fived herself in the mirror.
She ordered room service on her way to the bathroom.

Ray woke up to a freakin’ hang-over.
Christ! What the fuck did he guzzle last night? His felt like Metallica and Rage Against the Machine were having a dual concert inside his skull.
He sat on the side of the bed, cradling his head.
How in hell did he even get inside his suite? He couldn’t recall. The last thing he remembered was he knocked the shit out of that fuckface Harry.
He was naked. His clothes were scattered around the bed.
He groaned, rubbing his eyes.
He could feel the remnants on his body. That sticky feel and the lingering scent of sex on his kin. 
He fucked someone last night.
Who? Kiera had left the hotel in a huff so it wasn’t her. Shit, did he hook up with some college freshman? He hoped it was some pretty receptionist in the hotel at least and not some barely legal teenager.
He was aghast. He couldn’t remember anything.
Did he even use a rubber?
He combed his fingers though his tousled hair and stood up. He was a stupid, stupid fuck! If he got AIDS after this, it would serve him right!
He looked around the suite.
Everything was in place except for the rumpled bed.
The door opened.
Serena came in.
He was so shocked by her sudden appearance he forgot he was buck naked.
She blushed scarlet and evaded his eyes.
“Serena, what the fuck…?!” he shouted and grabbed a throw pillow from the sofa to cover his groin.
She gave him this shy but radiant smile under her lashes. “Good morning.”
“What the hell are you doing here? Don’t you know how to knock?!” he blasted her.
Her smile faded. Well, she had no fucking business barging in here looking and smelling like fresh fruits while he was buck naked wondering what the hell happened to him last night.
“I…I brought you breakfast,” she said in this little hurt voice, like he’d punched her in the face. He instantly felt guilty for shouting at her but he knew why she was doing this sweet little gesture.
He shook his head. “Na-ah. You think that will make what you did last night okay? We’ll talk about that later, but right now, I need to get decent.”
He gestured towards the door.
She stared at him, her eyes blinking rapidly, like she would cry. “Don’t you use that tactic on me, Serena. I’m not your father. Out! I’ll talk to you later. With your father around.”
She carefully put the tray on the console table and ran from the suite. She didn’t even close the door.
He went to kick the door shut.
He let out a growl.
One look at her and his cock wanted to greet her good fucking morning.
He took a shower.
He had some reckoning to do with that brat.

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