Diamonds of her eyes

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Third person

Unfortunately the last full day of the trip had rolled around. All of the group feeling the lingering disappointment of having to go back to reality. Yet also cherishing all the time they did get to spend together. They decide to make tonight special and go out to a different town. One that's a bit away but is the only one they weren't able to get to in the surrounding area. They set off early afternoon and drive over using one car this time. They may all be smushed together but they don't mind one bit.

Over the course of this trip they've all bonded with Piper. Finding that she was the little piece they didn't know they needed in their girl group. Upon arriving to the center of the town they file out; looking a bit like clowns getting out of a tiny car. Giggling as they stumble trying to get over the little ledge. Once they've all escaped the car unharmed, they head down to look around. All of them having chosen not to buy anything today. Since they've already got enough back at the house.

They simply enjoy each other's company, pointing out great architecture and taking the occasional photo. Piper managed to duck in and out of a shop undetected. Hiding the small bag under things in her purse so as to not be caught. It slowly got darker and darker, the group stopping to watch the sunset. A lot of conversation was had about where to get dinner, until they finally came to a consensus. Making the short walk there and being seated rather quickly. Eating and chatting commenced as usual until desert time came round.

"I've got to use the loo, I'll be right back" Lou says, Sandra going right behind her. Hellie, Sarah, and Piper just picking up a conversation about how odd English words are. Talking in depth about pronunciations and Helena mentioning just completely different words. How it's confusing that, even when you speak the same language, you can't understand each other. Piper looks up when the check comes to realize neither Lou nor Sandra are back. "Hey guys, I'm gonna go check on them" she says. Hands on the table to push herself up and head towards the bathrooms.

Piper's pov

"No no. Please don't leave me here alone with the weirdo" Sarah says dramatically. Grabbing Piper's wrists gently but making her stay in place. "Hey, that's no fair! I'm clearly not the weirdo" Helena replies offended. They end up paying the check and all go looking for Lou and Sandy. Helena saying she has to go anyway so she'll check and they can wait. She comes out and shakes her head, "maybe they went out back for a smoke" Sarah suggests. I know Lou smokes occasionally but why wouldn't she just say that? Regardless, we head that way to see if they're there.

Upon pushing glass doors open I see just how beautiful it is out here. Vines and fairy lights adorning the pergola with little pink flowers growing on the roof bit. I'm so busy looking up that I forget for a moment what I'm supposed to be doing. I recall my attention and look around realizing there's no one at these tables. Where are they? I walk further and further out until I eventually have to round a corner. A tall bush, that you'd assume was for a maze, preventing me from going forward. I turn and can see light so I walk towards it only to come to a white and brown gazebo.

Also twinkling with fairy lights on the edges of the roof. But nothing can compare to the twinkle in Cate's eyes when our gazes connected. They shine like the finest diamonds in pure sunlight. "We've been looking all over for you" I say walking towards her quickly. She just smiles softly at me and pulls me in for a kiss. "Ok that's nice but why are you out here?" I ask looking around. Turning fully to see the other three women standing there with big smiles on their faces. Looking almost mischievous making me narrow my eyes at them. "Piper" I hear Lou say but I'm momentarily stuck with my eyes on the other women. Trying to figure out what's going on.

"Turn around you dipshit" Sar slightly yells and I roll my eyes but do as she says. I'm confused when I'm met with the cold night air. "Piper" she says again making me tilt my head down and see her on one knee. What the fuck is she doing down there? She can't possibly be about to- while they're around?? "Will you marry me?" She asks softly as her eyes glaze over slightly. "What?!" I ask her, it's not that I didn't hear her, or even that I didn't believe it. It's just that I needed to hear her say it again to make sure it was real. "W-will you marry me?" She asks again, even more nervous than the first time.

"You're serious?" I ask her, my voice quieter than before as tears well up in my eyes. "Well yeah..." she says as of it was obvious. I mean it was. "Obviously you idiot. Get up!" I exclaim before pulling her up and into my arms. The girls clap and cheer as she pulls back and kisses me passionately. "I thought it would be sort of funny to do it here. Since the whole Italian thing seems like it's becoming a tradition of ours" she chuckle as she slips the ring on my finger. "I was thinking how ironic it was when you told me where" I giggle as my tears overflow.

She brings her hands to my face to gently wipe my tears with her thumbs. Sliding them gracefully across my skin in the softest manner. "Sorry I didn't do a whole speech thingy. I kinda choked up once you looked at me" she smiles nervously. "I wouldn't have it any other way" I say staring at her lovingly. "Besides, you have your vows to make up for that. So you better blow my socks off" I tease her. "Oh I'll be blowing something tonight" she teases, also biting her lip having an extra effect. "That can certainly be arranged" I replied running a finger on her bare chest, exposed by the low cut of her shirt.

I feel her shiver and a blush coats her cheeks and upper chest making me smirk. "Ok as cute as this is—and slightly disgusting. I'd prefer it if you guys didn't get arrested for fucking in public so... can we go?" Sarah asks causing Lou and I to giggle. Taking one another's hand we follow behind the women and back to the car. Squeezing in again and riding back to the house. We do our nightly routines before sitting around the living room floor and talking until we couldn't keep our eyes open. Eventually forcing ourselves to bed so we could make our flights the next day.

As I begin to feel sleep taking over, I think about how far I've come and all the infinite possibilities ahead of me. Laying here next to my future wife, someone I could've once only dreamed to see in person. Life has been a hell of a ride but it all lead me to this moment and for that, I am eternally grateful. Love has always been a paradox to me, and finally I've found it to be true.

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